The main objective of World Brain Day is to increase public awareness and promote advocacy related to brain health.
world federation of neurology
On this World Brain Day, watch interviews with specialists and patients regarding Parkinson´s Disease.
News from EAN member societiesNews in generalOther News
Move together to End Parkinson’s Disease
July 22, 2020Professor Tissa Wijeratne and Professor Wolfgang Grisold have teamed up on an expert article for the World Brain Day "Move together to End Parkinson's Disease". -
Interview with Professor Raad Shakir – President World Federation of Neurology (WFN)
March 1, 2016avid Vodušek (DV): The World Federation of Neurology’s structure comes close to that of the EAN as both societies bring together national neurological societies. Can you please illustrate to the Neuropenews readers how the WFN structures its work with the member societies? Raad Shakir (RS): The WFN has grown rapidly in recent years and now represents 120 professional national societies in all regions of the world. When I ran for the office of WFN President, I did so on a platform of Global Involvement through Regional Empowerment. -
Executive Page
President’s Page: The Burden of Neurological Diseases is still highly underestimated – improvement is in sight
November 1, 2015Many political decisions within the health system are critical depending on the number of patients affected by a particular disease group and hence which discipline of medicine is responsible for the care of these patients. This applies for budgets for health care, number of beds for a particular disease group, overall budget for a discipline within a hospital, budgets for out- or inpatients care, but also percentage of research money which goes into particular fields of medical research. Also, the general public counts on these measures because mortality, morbidity and costs of disease are important to determine the importance of a disease group and usually, the higher the numbers the more important is the disease. -
by Steven Lewis and Wolfgang Grisold Neurological education is one of the main aims of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN). In addition to the biannual World Congress of Neurology, teaching courses, and publications such as the Journal of the… Continue Reading
“Our brain – our future”: Awareness-raising for the importance of brain health – Emphasis on prevention of underestimated burden of disease On 22 July, the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) launched the first “World Brain Day,” an event dedicated to… Continue Reading
The 5th RTC in Sub-Saharan Africa returned to Dakar, Senegal and was hosted by Prof. A. Gallo-Diop at the Cheikh Anta Diop University.
The greatest impact of World Congresses is on the majority of neurology trainees and other interested parties who cannot afford to travel great distances. Europe is the most compact continent and Vienna is at its heart. This offers a wonderful… Continue Reading
Under the theme of “Neurology in the Age of Globalisation”, the XXI World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2013) will provide neurologists from Europe and around the world an unparalleled opportunity to exchange knowledge and information. The congress will take place… Continue Reading
Forum: Neurology in a Globalizing World – World Congress of Neurology Vienna 2013
July 1, 2013by Vladimir Hachinski This article was first published in Neurology 2013; 80(24), June 11, 2013. The Congress theme acknowledges that science and increasingly medicine and neurology are becoming globalised. The best way to manage change is to shape it.… Continue Reading
Forum: Neurological News from Austria – the land of WCN/EFNS 2013: Clinical management and research of multiple sclerosis in Austria
June 1, 2013by Michael KhalilMultiple Sclerosis (MS) is a main area of interest for Austria’s neurologic community. One reason for this is the rather high prevalence of this disorder which in 2002 has been estimated to be around 100 per 100,000… Continue Reading
by Eduard Auff and Wolfgang Grisold
Fostering quality neurology and brain health worldwide This year the World Congress of Neurology (WCN) will take place in Vienna from September 21-26. It is a great event for world neurology, Europe and Austria.… Continue Reading
In 2011, for the first time in its 55 year history, the World Federation of Neurology invited project proposals from its membership for specific educational or applied research projects in neurology and the applied neurosciences as part of its activities… Continue Reading