Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): Headache is one of the more/most frequent reasons for a patient to visit a hospital or emergency room. Would you agree with this statement?
by Wolfgang Grisold From September 21 – 26, 2013 the WCN 2013 took placein Vienna. This year’s biannual meeting of the WFN was a joint meeting with the Austrian Society of Neurology (OeGN) and the European Federation of Neurology… Continue Reading
The World Congress of Neurology, 21-26 September 2013, co-organised by the Austrian Society of Neurology, the World Federation of Neurology and the European Federation of Neurological Societies was a great success.
Introduction by Gian Luigi Lenzi As Editor-in chief of Neuropenews, I have preferred, so far, not to write any particular Introductions to the Interviews that Neuropenews publishes monthly, kindly released by public authorities in the Neurological world and elsewhere.
Our… Continue Reading -
The 5th RTC in Sub-Saharan Africa returned to Dakar, Senegal and was hosted by Prof. A. Gallo-Diop at the Cheikh Anta Diop University.
by Wolfgang Grisold
This September the World Congress of Neurology (WCN) 2013 will take place in Vienna jointly with the EFNS and the Austrian Society of Neurology. And for the first time in the history of congresses of the World… Continue Reading
Forum: Neurology in a Globalizing World – World Congress of Neurology Vienna 2013
July 1, 2013by Vladimir Hachinski This article was first published in Neurology 2013; 80(24), June 11, 2013. The Congress theme acknowledges that science and increasingly medicine and neurology are becoming globalised. The best way to manage change is to shape it.… Continue Reading
by Eduard Auff and Wolfgang Grisold
Fostering quality neurology and brain health worldwide This year the World Congress of Neurology (WCN) will take place in Vienna from September 21-26. It is a great event for world neurology, Europe and Austria.… Continue Reading
In 2011, for the first time in its 55 year history, the World Federation of Neurology invited project proposals from its membership for specific educational or applied research projects in neurology and the applied neurosciences as part of its activities… Continue Reading
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