Dear readers,
In this issue, we invite you to read three articles which have been carefully chosen by our Scientific Panels: Higher cortical functions, Sleep-wake disorders, and Palliative care:
Ossenkopele R, Pijnenburg Y, Perry DC, et al. The behavioural/dysexecutive variant… Continue Reading
subspecialty scientific panel
Scientific Corner
Scientific Corner: Article Recommendations Higher Cortical Functions
August 1, 2015In this issue of the Neuropenews we would like to again invite you to read interesting articles which were kindly chosen by our Subspecialty Scientific Panel on Higher Cortical Functions: May-Britt Moser, David C. Rowland, Edvard I. Moser: “Place cells,… Continue Reading -
The members of the Scientific Committee (SC) at present are: Antonio Federico (Chair) Claudio Bassetti, Alexandre Bisdorff, Michael Brainin, Christian Enzinger, Maurizio Leone, Jera Kruja, Maurizio Leone, Celia Oreja-Guevar, Evzen Růžička, Anthony H.V. Schapira, Antonio Toscano
In this issue of Neuropenews we would like to invite you to read the following interesting articles which were kindly chosen by our Subspecialty Scientific Panel on Higher Cortical Functions. Memory Redick, Thomas S., et al.: “Measuring working memory capacity… Continue Reading
Scientific Corner
Scientific Corner: Rare Neurological Diseases are a Pandora Box for Neurology
July 1, 2015by Antonio Federico, Chair of the EAN Scientific Committee A list of the Rare Neurological Diseases (RND) consists of more than 5000 disorders. Half of them has a neurological interest including the central and peripheral nervous system or muscles, or… Continue Reading -
In this issue of Neuropenews, we open a new space, the Scientific Corner, which will be reporting on issues related to area of scientific activity of the EAN and activities of the EAN Scientific Committee.
The responsibilities of the EAN Subspecialty Scientific Panels (SSP) are:
SSPs will support the Committees and the Board of the EAN in the development and activities of the society by: Suggesting educational and congress activities. Stimulating and contributing to the… Continue Reading -
Scientific Corner
Scientific Corner: Practical recommendations for the process of proposing, planning, and writing a neurological management guideline by EAN task forces
June 1, 2015by Maurizio A. Leone1, Magdalena Keindl2, Anthony H. Schapira3, Günther Deuschl4, Antonio Federico5 The EAN considers the production of neurological guidelines a major obligation, as this is a primary tool to improve clinical practice in neurology. The Scientific Committee (SC)… Continue Reading -
Interview with the chair of the EAN Scientific Committee: Antonio Federico
October 1, 2014Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As Chair of the Scientific Committee, can you illustrate the role you give to the EAN within the community of European neurologists? Antonio Federico (AF): EAN has a very important role, because it is the only… Continue Reading
We congratulate the winners of the Investigator Awards for their presentation during the EFNS-ENS Joint Congress of European Neurology in Istanbul 2014!
The Prize consists of an Award certificate & €500,- Ina Almdahl, Oslo, Norway: Selective affection of hippocampal subfields… Continue Reading