Neurology is a young and rapidly expanding field. This has many consequences - and ideas about a possible centrifugal development of neurological specialities are among them. Two major factors are facilitating the separation of sub-disciplines from neurology.
Executive PagePaper of the Month
The paper of the month: introducing a new feature of Neuropenews
April 1, 2015The wealth of scientific information is increasing and there are many ways to cope with this. Some of us are screening the most important journals for interesting papers as their way to keep up to date with the news in the field. Most of them give up after some time. Others restrict this to reading their specialty journals only or leave it to specific questions which they have to solve. -
Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As Chair of the Liaison Committee, can you illustrate the role you give to EAN within the community of European neurologists? David Vodušek (DV): We Europeans have become accustomed to “European institutions”. Although – related to… Continue Reading
by Gian Luigi Lenzi Last month we were contacted and asked, why certain top cited articles on neurological sub-specialties were not listed, why our selected articles were published mainly on a couple of journals, and how the articles on our… Continue Reading