At the Congress of the European Neurological Society held in Barcelona, researchers are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of OPs or catheter interventions to eliminate thrombi and arteriosclerotic plaque in acute cases. New insights into molecular processes could be the… Continue Reading
by Liliia Zviagina First of all I would like to thank the EFNS Head Office, Lisa Müller and Julia Mayer, the EFNS TC committee, especially Professor Detlef Kömpf, and all our invited speakers for their mutual support in organising the… Continue Reading
Forum: Neurological News from Austria – the land of WCN/EFNS 2013: The Austrian Acute Stroke Unit System and its registry enable an increase in the quality of performance
May 1, 2013by Julia Ferrari Worldwide stroke is the second most common cause of death in developed countries. In Austria the incidence rate of stroke is 2.1 – 2.3 per thousand annually [1,2], implying that a stroke occurs every 26 minutes. Austria… Continue Reading
Primary objective of the course is to encourage cooperation and to promote exchange of knowledge between participants from different countries. The course is a meeting of respected scientists, who work with stroke presenting and discussing all major aspects of stroke… Continue Reading
Dear Prof. Jean Marc Leger, Dear Prof. Pavel Kalvach, Dear Ms Magda Dohnalova and all EFNS representatives,
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for being awarded with EFNS D-D Programme 2012 and given the opportunity… Continue Reading -
This title stands not, regrettably, for the President’s present state of mind or place but for the brilliant acronym of a research project called Psychosocial fActors Relevant to brAin DISorders in Europe.
Grand Rounds
Case Report: Sudden “train-like” sounds announcing a life-threatening pontocerebellar infarction
October 1, 2012by Marco Mancinetti, Dragana Viceic-Filipovic and Patrik Michel A 72-year-old woman, known for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and active smoking, presented with an acute “train-like” sound in her head, retrosternal chest pain and headache. She has had epigastric pain and nausea in… Continue Reading -
Forum: Neurological News from Sweden – the land of EFNS 2012: Tomas Tranströmer’s Stroke of Genius: language but no words (1)
September 1, 2012by Ivan Iniesta INTRODUCTION
In 2011 the widely acclaimed Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer (b. Stockholm, 1931) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature “because, through his condensed, translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality”(2). This article celebrates the… Continue Reading -
5-7 July 2012 Novosibirsk, Russia
by Pavel Pilipenko The Teaching Course brought together leading neurologists of Germany, Russia, Greece, Czech Republic, Italy and Austria. More than 300 physicians were registered! – and that’s just only part of our participants, because… Continue Reading -
Sunday, 9 September 2012
The Movement Disorder Society European Basal Ganglia Club:
The C. David Marsden Invited Lecture 2012
14.30-17.00 – Hall A2 EFNS-EFNA Special Session “The Good Life”
15.00-17.00 – Hall T2 EAYNT Session: European harmonisation of neurology education… Continue Reading -
Dawn of a new era: Gösta Hultquist’s thesis of carotid artery disease 1942 by Bo Norrving A patient with a carotid TIA – emergency diagnosis and neuroimaging – urgent start of medical therapy – carotid ultrasound showing a severe carotid… Continue Reading
Please register early for the Teaching Courses via the Congress Website There are still some tickets available. If you will not be able to attend the EFNS Teaching Courses, you can purchase a Syllabi CD-ROM at the EFNS Booth… Continue Reading
From 30 May till 2 June 2012 a regional teaching course of the European Federation of Neurological Societies in collaboration with the Movement Disorders Society and the Romanian Neurology Society was held in Iasi, Romania.
One of my main interests in the field of Neurology is the study and treatment of Cerebrovascular Disorders. Stroke, the main representative of this issue, is the leading cause of disability and the second most common cause of death worldwide.
by Markus Gschwind The patient was a 51-year-old car mechanic, without any previous illness apart from untreated arterial hypertension. One morning, on waking very early to go to work, he felt a strange dizziness. During breakfast he fell asleep twice… Continue Reading