New Registrar's Reading Lists by the EAN Scientific Panel on Dementia are available online now here!
scientific panel
EAN has come a long way since the merge of EFNS and ENS and has since reorganised its Scientific Panels. There are currently 31 of them and their role is to co-ordinate clinical research at a European level; disseminate good… Continue Reading
Interview with Dr Karin Diserens PD-MER I incoming co-chair of the EAN Scientific Panel “Coma and chronic disorders of consciousness”
May 4, 2016Elena Moro (EM): As incoming co-chair of the Scientific Panel “Coma and chronic disorders of consciousness” can you briefly introduce yourself and your specific field of expertise to the Neuropenews readers. Karin Diserens (KD): Specialised in Neurology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation I have focused my activity on developing Neurorehabilitation by creating the first Neurorehabilitation centres in the French part of Switzerland. -
Scientific CornerTop Articles
Reply to the EURL ECVAM EU public survey to identify all types of knowledge sources that might be relevant to Replace, Reduce or Refine (the ‘3Rs’) the use of animals for scientific purposes
May 4, 2016Animal rights groups deny that animal research advances the study and treatment of human disease. A common tactic is to cite a body of literature (mostly anecdotally) purporting to document scientifically the uselessness of animal models, the suffering inflicted on… Continue Reading