Dear EAN members, dear readers,
as EANpages Editor, it is my privilege to send you a few lines at the end of this 2016, which has been a very important and special year for EANpages.
Together with the launch of… Continue Reading
president’s page
Neurology is a young and rapidly expanding field. This has many consequences - and ideas about a possible centrifugal development of neurological specialities are among them. Two major factors are facilitating the separation of sub-disciplines from neurology.
by Gian Luigi Lenzi Editor-in-Chief: Gian Luigi Lenzi
Co-editors: José Ferro, Christian Krarup, David B. Vodušek Editors: The EFNS Management Committee, ENS Executive Committee and the EFNS/ENS Transition Task Force have decided that Neuropenews should become the common newsletter of… Continue Reading