As many of your will know, EAN works closely with our colleagues at the European Federation of Neurological Association [EFNA] – who so actively work to promote the patient perspective in all healthcare policy and provision in Europe. EFNA… Continue Reading
Executive PageEAN NewsTop Articles
President’s Page: The second term of office of the EAN board
July 1, 2016During the second EAN congress in Copenhagen, the current board of the EAN has been reappointed with a very strong majority and as the first president elect of the newly structured board, Franz Fazekas from Graz, Austria was elected. He will be the next president in two years from now. The board and myself thank the delegates for this confidence shown to us. We interpret this as a strong mandate to follow and expand the tracks that we have already started to follow. This is to briefly outline two of these avenues. Meanwhile, the major goals for our Society are outlined in the strategic plan. -
Neurology is an important discipline and is rapidly developing. Recent economic studies have identified that one third of the European population is affected by a brain disease and they need treatment by neurologists, neurosurgeons and psychiatrists. The costs for these diseases are getting astronomic.
Saturday, 31 May 2014 11.00-12.30 - Hamidiye Brain Disorders: The Communication Challenge Focus on Traumatic Brain Injury
As in previous issues, Neuropenews asked EFNS/ENS committee members, Panel chairs, Speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Istanbul, June 2014. You will find the answers below …
by Wolfgang Grisold
This September the World Congress of Neurology (WCN) 2013 will take place in Vienna jointly with the EFNS and the Austrian Society of Neurology. And for the first time in the history of congresses of the World… Continue Reading
Balthasar Schaap is Secretary General of the European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA).
Forum: The voices of patients and their relatives: Letter from Carol Paschall Breiter
December 1, 2012Neuropenews is an open internet bulletin and it seems we are read not only by neurologists and neuroscientists but also by the lay public. We have namely obtained the occasional letter from a neurological patient.
As neurologists we appreciate the… Continue Reading -
One of the special sessions at the EFNS Congress in Stockholm was devoted to ‘Critical illness and end-of-life considerations’, and held on 11 September 2012. The session was announced in the Programme book: There is an interface between law and… Continue Reading
by Gian Luigi Lenzi With this December issue, NEUROPENEWS has published 12 issues in 2012: one year of presence in the Neuroweb panorama and for the EFNS web-linked fellows. So, it is the right time for a summary and self-examination.… Continue Reading
The neurological examination has grown with our profession over the past 150 years. Neither the examination as a whole nor its individual parts have been subjected to the sort of rigorous evaluation which would command an instant Level A recommendation from an EFNS guideline panel. Nevertheless as a Good Practice Point the examination commands the leading position in the list of neurological investigations. Last year Johnston and Hauser, editors of the Annals of Neurology (volume 70, A10), called for research into the value of the different aspects of the “ethereal” neurological examination. The call was hotly debated in subsequent correspondence as being either overdue on the one hand or unnecessary and inappropriate on the other.