By Reha Tolun
The history of diagnostic neuroradiology begins with the invention of x-ray and its application as craniography in the very early 20th century. A famous neurosurgeon, Dandy, was the first to perform pneumoencephalography in 1918. Drainage of spinal… Continue Reading
by Anastasia Zekeridou, M. Tschirren, A. Fumeaux, Patrik Michel
A 71-year-old man presented with a sudden onset paresis of his left side. On clinical examination a pure left hemiparesis with mild dysarthria and with Babinski sign was found. The signs… Continue Reading
A European Training Charter as a common achievement of the UEMS division of Neuroradiology, UEMS Sections of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Radiology and Cardiology has been approved by the UEMS Council
by Wolfgang Grisold, Olof Flodmark and Bernd Richling
The UEMS (… Continue Reading