Practical Neuro-Ophthalmology Course 2018
June 22nd – 23rd 2018, Schloss Au, Switzerland
The interactive course in practical Neuro-Ophthalmology is aimed at practicing for Ophthalmologists and Neurologists at all levels. It will cover the most relevant clinical problems of Neuro-Ophthalmology in… Continue Reading
EAN Congress newsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017 – The Educational Sessions – Interactive sessions
April 1, 2017By Claudia Sommer Another format of teaching at the EAN congresses are the interactive sessions, which encourage the participant to actively engage, and with immediate feedback to support learning Each course lasts for 90 minutes, and the number of… Continue Reading
First of all I would like to thank the EAN Head Office, Julia Mayer, the EAN Education committee, especially Professor Detlef Kömpf, and all our invited speakers for their support in organising the Regional Teaching Course in Baku.
Grand Rounds
eBrain Session of the month: Webcasts at the Joint Congress of European Neurology
June 1, 2014At the Joint Congress of European Neurology in Istanbul several Symposia and Teaching Courses are recorded ( These will be available soon on All EAN members will have unlimited access to the webcasts. All congress participants will have free… Continue Reading