Dear Readers,
An interesting interactive case has been published in eBrain this month. It has been written by the Neurology, Neuroscience and Stroke Unit teams from UCL Belgium. Please, find below the abstract.
To see the full case, please log-in via the EAN-website, and once you are on the eBrain page, go to “virtual patient cases”:
Grand Rounds
Case Report: Meningoencephalomieloradiculoganglionitis causing death of a 40-year-old patient
July 1, 2012presented by Dominika Novak, Viktor Švigelj and Mara Popović Clinical course: This forty-year-old electrotechnician was admitted to our hospital because of progressive difficulties in swallowing and walking. He reported being in relatively good health* till approximately June, 2009. There was… Continue Reading