Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As Member at Large to the EAN, can you illustrate the role you give to EAN within the community of European Neurologists?
Per Soelberg Sorensen (PSS): As member at Large to the EAN I am proud to be a part of this new important amalgamation of ENS and EFNS. It is the aim of the new board to develop EAN into a European organisation that can match the American Academy of Neurology in worldwide importance.
member at large
Roadmap to Istanbul: Election of the EAN Board: Person Specifications and Job Descriptions of the EAN Board Officers
December 1, 2013The EAN Board consists of the following 9 members: 1. President (elected)
2. Vice President (elected)
3. Secretary General (elected)
4. Treasurer (elected)
5. Chairperson Programme Committee (appointed)
6. Chairperson Scientific Committee (elected)
7. Chairperson Liaison Committee (elected)
8. Chairperson… Continue Reading