by Dursun Kırbaş
Neurological sciences has taken its independent form during the last quarter of the 20th century. In the beginning of the 20th century, Neurological sciences have been a part of Internal Medicine, then have developed as the… Continue Reading
Dear Young Neurologists!
The EAYNT would like to present an update on our scientific activities organised in the interest of young neurologists during the Joint Congress of European Neurology in Istanbul, Turkey 2014.
The call for nominations of candidates for the EAN Board was sent in November 2013 and the application portal was open until 14 February 2014. Following a thorough review of all applications by the Election Organising Committee (EOC), a preliminary… Continue Reading
The European Brain Council, brain child of former EFNS President Jes Olesen, has announced the launch of the long waited Year of the Brain (YotB) this year. We had an official European Union Month of the Brain in May 2013 to which we have already drawn attention in NEUROPENEWS [].
by José Ferro
The application process for members of the Board of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) was underway and many nominations and several applications have been received. The application portal was closed at 24h CET on 14 February… Continue Reading
by Wolfgang Grisold and Svein Ivar Mellgren
The 6th European Board examination in Neurology will be held on Friday May 30, 2014 during the joint congress of the ENS and EFNS (EAN) in Istanbul, Turkey.
The examination is a joint… Continue Reading
As in previous issues, Neuropenews asked EFNS/ENS committee members, Panel chairs, Speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Istanbul, June 2014. You will find the answers below …
by Gian Luigi Lenzi
During the recent Christmas holidays I went back to one of my youth’s favourite books, a book published more than 700 years ago: “IL MILIONE”, that is the journey of Marco Polo to the Far East.… Continue Reading
Neuropenews asked EFNS/ENS committee members, panel chairs, speakers, .... which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Istanbul, June 2014. You will find the answers in the upcoming issues of Neuropenews.
The Call for Applications is open until 14 February 2014, 24:00h CET.
Applications for the following Board positions are possible:
Vice President
Secretary General
Chairperson Scientific Committee
Chairperson Liaison Committee
Member at Large
In the December issue of… Continue Reading
by Wolfgang Grisold and Svein Ivar Mellgren
The 6th European Board examination in Neurology will be held on Friday May 30, 2014 during the Joint Congress of European Neurology in Istanbul, Turkey.
The examination is a joint development of the… Continue Reading
This is the first NEUROPENEWS page written jointly by the Presidents of the both EFNS and the ENS. It marks a further step in the ever closer collaboration of the two organisations which will smooth the transition to the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) next summer.
At the EFNS/ENS Joint Congress of European Neurology in Istanbul, June 2014, one strong unified European neurological society, the
will be founded.
THE ASSEMBLY OF DELEGATES will be the democratic heart of the EAN: 45 national… Continue Reading
Every year the President provides a report to the Council of Delegates, our senior governing body, about the events of the previous year. This year the Council will meet at the World Congress of Neurology and I shall report as follows.