The Joint Congress of European Neurology held in Istanbul, May 31-June 3, 2014, was attended by a total of 5923 persons.
This year, the participants were asked to fill in an online congress evaluation form in order to receive a… Continue Reading
Istanbul 2014
The congress was really impressive and fantastic, the most attended neurology meeting that ever took place in Europe with almost 6,000 participants! There were a lot of interesting symposia, presentations, teaching courses, and focused workshops, and often it was hard to choose the one to attend, out of the many running at the same time.
Professor Ersin Tan is President of the Turkish Neurological Society and works at the Hacettepe University Medical School, Department of Neurology in Ankara.
As in previous issues, Neuropenews asked EFNS/ENS committee members, Panel chairs, Speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Istanbul, June 2014. You will find the answers below …
Saturday, 31 May 2014 11.00-12.30 - Hamidiye Brain Disorders: The Communication Challenge Focus on Traumatic Brain Injury
We are happy to inform that the final programme is online on the congress Website You can download the pdf of the final programme or use the iPlanner to update your calendar.
As in previous issues, Neuropenews asked EFNS/ENS committee members, Panel chairs, Speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Istanbul, June 2014. You will find the answers below …
As in previous issues, Neuropenews asked EFNS/ENS committee members, Panel chairs, Speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Istanbul, June 2014. You will find the answers below …
Neurological News from Turkey – the land of EFNS/ENS 2014: A short history of neuroradiology and interventional neurology in the world and in Turkey
February 1, 2014By Reha Tolun The history of diagnostic neuroradiology begins with the invention of x-ray and its application as craniography in the very early 20th century. A famous neurosurgeon, Dandy, was the first to perform pneumoencephalography in 1918. Drainage of spinal… Continue Reading
The first EAN General Assembly will take place on 3 June 2014 in Istanbul, when EAN will be founded. The delegates to the General Assembly are: Yuri Alekseenko, Belarus
Corrado Angelini, Italy
Zohar Argov, Israel
Anita Arsovska, FYRO Macedonia
Eduard… Continue Reading -
By communicating effectively with their patients, the doctor ensures more successful treatment outcomes. Improved doctor-patient communication leads to greater compliance in taking medication and enables more effective self-management for people with long-term chronic conditions. Having this in mind, the European… Continue Reading
EAN News
Joint Congress of European Neurology – Istanbul 2014: Abstract submission and Registration is open now!
November 1, 2013Online registration is now available for the Joint Congress of the European Neurology in Istanbul, Turkey.
You can profit from the early registration fee, if you organise your attendance before 20 March 2014.
Please log in/ register on, fill… Continue Reading -
EAN News
Welcome to the Joint Congress of European Neurology! The Preliminary Scientific Programme is online now!
August 1, 2013Please visit the congress website for detailed information on the programme! -
NEWS FROM EFNS & ENS In Barcelona, on June 8th, 2013, during the 23rd ENS Meeting, that was by the way the last ENS Meeting, the newsletter editors from ENS and EFNS, Prof. José Ferro and… Continue Reading -
We are happy to inform that a list of the Symposia, Teaching Courses, Focused Workshops and Special Sessions that are scheduled for the EFNS/ENS Joint Congress of Neurology in Istanbul, Turkey - 31 May - 3 June 2014 is online.
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