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The members of the Scientific Committee (SC) at present are: Antonio Federico (Chair) Claudio Bassetti, Alexandre Bisdorff, Michael Brainin, Christian Enzinger, Maurizio Leone, Jera Kruja, Maurizio Leone, Celia Oreja-Guevar, Evzen Růžička, Anthony H.V. Schapira, Antonio Toscano
The responsibilities of the EAN Subspecialty Scientific Panels (SSP) are:
SSPs will support the Committees and the Board of the EAN in the development and activities of the society by: Suggesting educational and congress activities. Stimulating and contributing to the… Continue Reading -
Scientific Corner
Scientific Corner: Practical recommendations for the process of proposing, planning, and writing a neurological management guideline by EAN task forces
June 1, 2015by Maurizio A. Leone1, Magdalena Keindl2, Anthony H. Schapira3, Günther Deuschl4, Antonio Federico5 The EAN considers the production of neurological guidelines a major obligation, as this is a primary tool to improve clinical practice in neurology. The Scientific Committee (SC)… Continue Reading -
Executive Page
President’s Page: General neurology and subspecialties – the need for interaction
May 1, 2015Neurology is a rapidly developing field and many diseases have lost their poor or even fatal prognosis through scientific progress. Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, infections of the nervous system, epilepsies and many other diseases were barely untreatable only 50 years ago but can now be effectively treated and sometimes even cured. But all this progress needs to be brought to the patient. The providers who take care of this are the neurologists. Moreover, neurological disorders are among the most frequent diseases. This is increasingly recognised by the different European national health systems and luckily we have a constantly increasing number of neurologists in Europe. They are united in different national Societies and within the Academy at European level. -
Top 10 Articles 2012 from keywords: Neurology, Neurological Sciences, Ageing and Dementia, Cerebroascular diseases/ Stroke, Clinical Neurophysiology, Cognitive neurology/neuropsychology, Critical care, Epilepsy, Headache and Pain, Infections & AIDS, Motorneurone diseases, Movement Disorders, Multiple sclerosis and Related Disorders, Muscle and neuromuscular… Continue Reading
Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): How do you see the role of patient and carers organisations in society, and, specifically, Alzheimer Europe? Jean Georges (JG): Most Alzheimer associations were initially set up for three principal reasons: to provide information on Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, to provide support to people with dementia and their carers and to raise the awareness of the general public. Since the early days of the Alzheimer movement, some associations have taken on additional tasks such as lobbying governments for a greater recognition of dementia as a public health priority or funding dementia research.
Top articles 2012 1 = Serologic diagnosis of NMO: a multicenter comparison of aquaporin-4-IgG assays.
Waters, PJ; McKeon, A; Leite, MI; et al.
NEUROLOGY Volume: 78 Issue: 9 Pages: 665-671 Published: FEB 2012
Times Cited: 77 (from Web of Science… Continue Reading -
Interview with the chair of the EAN Scientific Committee: Antonio Federico
October 1, 2014Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As Chair of the Scientific Committee, can you illustrate the role you give to the EAN within the community of European neurologists? Antonio Federico (AF): EAN has a very important role, because it is the only… Continue Reading
Most neurologists used to carry out few practical procedures beyond the neurological examination which one of us has already discussed in this Forum ( This is changing. Some undertake diagnostic procedures such as electrophysiology, ultrasonography, nerve, muscle and now skin biopsies.
Dear readers, here are a couple of papers published in the previous months, with a few lines explaining why these papers appear worth signalling over the many others that had not aroused a particular attention.
Top articles 2011 1 = Diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis: 2010 revisions to the McDonald criteria Polman, CH.; Reingold, SC; Banwell, B; et al.
ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY Volume: 69 Issue: 2 Pages: 292-302 Published: FEB 2011 Times Cited: 275 (from… Continue Reading -
Forum: EFNS Guidance for the preparation of neurological management guidelines and Science Workshop
February 1, 2013The Editors have – together with the Scientific Committee – decided that new guideline papers will be presented in the Forum of NEUROPENEWS. In the March issue of the European Journal of Neurology and in Early View the EFNS Guidance… Continue Reading
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