Due to the health situation all over Europe, EAN had to cancel the in-person Spring School 2020, but thanks to a very enthusiastic faculty, we were able to hold this course almost with the entire programme as a virtual school.
I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to the European Academy of Neurology for having granted me a research experience fellowship at the Epilepsy Unit in Timone Hospital, Marseille supervised by Professor Fabrice Bartolomei.
Research Fellowship winners 2020 It is a great pleasure to introduce the recipients of the Research Fellowship 2020 (in alphabetical order): Research Training Fellowship:
Marianthi Breza from Greece was selected for her project: “On the TRAIL of neurodegeneration: a… Continue Reading
In May, we celebrated together the 20th Anniversary Course with 120 young neurologists from more than 34 countries.
Since 2018, EAN gives 60 neurologists in training the chance to increase their knowledge of clinical neurology. The basic idea is to illustrate and showcase how experienced neurologists and sub-specialists approach specific clinical presentations, including an update on relevant diagnostic and treatment approaches for key conditions in the relevant areas.
Education cornerEducationTop Articles
EAN Spring School – Application Deadline is 31 January 2019
January 1, 2019Dedicated to 120 clinical neurologists in training who did not yet complete their residency/ clinical speciality training who wish to boost their knowledge and to get the chance to enable personal contacts among participants and faculty members. Contributions to the optimal organisation of neurological care, neurological services and postgraduate education throughout Europe will be presented. -
The Moroccan Society of Neurology (MSN) was very pleased to organise with the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) the EAN Day on the margins of the Maghrebian Congress of Neurology, held in the beautiful and charming city of Marrakech.
The 2018 participants of the EAN Tournament for Neurologists in training will receive a travel grant, free congress registration and up to four nights’ of hotel accommodation for the Lisbon Congress: Tournament 1 – Basic neurology Sunday, 17 June, 2018… Continue Reading
The EAN Spring School will take place from May 10th to May 13th, 2018 at the Hotel Bezděz in Staré Splavy, Czech Republic.
Education corner
Report from the EAN regional teaching course (RTC) in Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2017
November 7, 2017on behalf of the Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, I would like to express our gratitude towards the European Academy of Neurology for the honor to organize for a second time the Regional Teaching Course of Neurology in Sofia, Bulgaria from October 6th - 8th, 2017. -
Education cornerEducation
EAN Clinical Fellowship 2018 – Application Deadline October 31, 2017
October 2, 2017In 2018, the EAN will offer 35 Clinical Fellowships. -
Report from Dr Meri Grigoryan, from Yerevan, Armenia visiting the Department of Neurology, Universitatsklinikum Heidelberg, Germany under the supervision of prof. Peter Ringleb
EAN Congress newsEducation corner
Amsterdam 2017: 18 years of EAN Spring School – Alumni “Happy Hour”
August 1, 2017During the 3rd Congress of the EAN, an outstanding opportunity of meeting colleagues who took part in previous Spring School meetings was organized. -
We congratulate the winners of the Investigator Awards to their presentation during the
3rd EAN Congress in Amsterdam 2017! The Prize consists of an Award certificate and free registration to the Lisbon Congress. All winners’ presentations were filmed –… Continue Reading -
The 18th course of the Spring School attracted attention of 187 colleagues from 36 countries. Due to the capacity reasons we were forced to refuse one third of the applicants. Traditionally the highest interest was from Russia – 29, Uzbekistan - 21 and Romania - 19. As usually we had again delegates from mediterranian Africa. this year, we had 90 female participants and 31 male participants.
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