The first paper that I would like to point out to Neuropenews readers concerns a neurological syndrome that often I have personally disregarded, or linked to similar “foggy” presentations such as the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Serra J, Collado A, Solà R et al, have published in ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY, 12 february 2014, Vol 75, Issue 2, pages 196-208, a paper “Hyperexcitable C nociceptors in fibromyalgia” that initially escaped my attention (it was published one year ago) and that indicates how in fibromyalgia there is more than many neurologists (at least myself) previously thought.
Grand Rounds
Case Report: Arnold-Chiari malformation presenting with recurrent syncope attacks
January 1, 2013presented by Burcu Gökçe and Kemal Erdemoğlu A 39-year-old, right-handed male presented to our outpatient clinic reporting daily occipital headache associated with recurrent syncope over a period of 2 years. His medical history was unremarkable and he took no medication… Continue Reading