The ENS 2013 annual meeting took place in Barcelona, Spain, 8–11 June 2013. Over 3,600 participants from 92 countries attended the 23rd annual meeting of the ENS. This represents the highest attendance at an ENS meeting to date.
NEWS FROM EFNS & ENS In Barcelona, on June 8th, 2013, during the 23rd ENS Meeting, that was by the way the last ENS Meeting, the newsletter editors from ENS and EFNS, Prof. José Ferro and… Continue Reading -
Interview with the Chairman of the ENS Sub-committee Basic / preclinical neuroscience
June 1, 2013The EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Sub-committees aim at coordinating the different facets of clinical research and good neurological practice at the European level. They will play a very important role in the European Academy of Neurology – EAN. We… Continue Reading -
The European Commission held two major events during May to celebrate the European Month of the Brain under the Presidency of the Republic of Ireland.
In the latest issue of the Communications of the European Neurological Society you will find information on: – 23rd Meeting of ENS in Barcelona, Spain
– ENS Business Meeting 2013
– ENS Farewell Networking Event during the 23rd Meeting
–… Continue Reading -
In the latest issue of the Communications of the European Neurological Society you will find information on: – The upcoming 23rd ENS Meeting in Barcelona, Spain
– 5th European Board Examiniation in Neurology
– ENS Fellowship Stipends 2014: Deadline –… Continue Reading -
by Gunhild Waldemar
The Liaison Committee assists the Management Committee in liaising with other professional and lay organizations as well as with the communication strategy. In 1998 at the 3rd Congress of the EFNS in Seville, Spain Professor Jes Olesen,… Continue Reading
In the latest issue of the Communications from the European Neurological Society you will find information on: – Inauguration of Professor Claudio Bassetti as President of ENS
– ENS Barcelona Congress
– 5th European Board Examination in Neurology Communications… Continue Reading -
In early February 2012 we have announced on the publication of a paper by the EFNS and ENS Presidents, Richard Hughes and Zohar Argov. This article is about the establishment of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), an organisation… Continue Reading
The right size for the European Neurology Congress
by Richard Hughes, EFNS President The British geneticist JBS Haldane began his 1928 essay “On being the right size” by illustrating the impossibility of fairy tale giants. He wrote “consider a giant… Continue Reading
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