Report from Nedia Ben Achour from Tunisia visiting the Department of Neuromuscular Diseases and ALS in Marseille, France under the supervision of Professor Shahram Attarian
I carried out my training in the “Department of Neuromuscular Diseases and ALS” (La Timone,… Continue Reading
It was the second time our Department in Lviv supervised a Regional Teaching Course, funded by the EAN. The RTC took place from 28-30 May, 2015. First, our organising committee would like to express their appreciation for the great help… Continue Reading
We congratulate the winners of the Investigator Awards for their presentation during the 1st EAN Congress in Berlin 2015!
The Prize consists of an Award certificate & €300,-. Helena Ariño, Barcelona, Spain
Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes associated with antibodies against glutamic… Continue Reading -
Other News
Report of the 55th International Neuropsychiatric Congress in Pula – INPC, 27-30 May, 2015
August 1, 2015by Vida Demarin The 55th International Neuropsychiatric Congress in Pula – INPC was held from 27 to 30 May 2015, under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia, her excellency Mrs. Kolinda Grabar Kitarović.
The Congress was… Continue Reading -
by Steven Lewis and Wolfgang Grisold Neurological education is one of the main aims of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN). In addition to the biannual World Congress of Neurology, teaching courses, and publications such as the Journal of the… Continue Reading
by Hannah Cock The hands-on neuro-otology course at the recent EAN meeting in Berlin, directed by Eleftherios Papathanasiou from Cyprus with assistance from several of the great and the good in the field was the first to be fully booked,… Continue Reading
We congratulate the winners of the EAN Tournament during the 1st EAN Congress in Berlin. In two sessions, twelve young scientists presented their outstanding work. The EAN Tournament Prize consists of a certificate, travel, accommodation and registration to the 2nd… Continue Reading
Executive Page
President’s Page: EAN’s event of the year: The 1st EAN congress in Berlin
June 1, 2015une 2015 is coming closer and the stage for the first congress will open on Saturday, the 20th. We expect more than 6000 participants from all over Europe and the world to come to the CityCube in Berlin, the brand new Berlin congress center, the venue of the congress. -
Over the last months, Neuropenews has featured 8 chapters describing the beginning of neurology in Germany (chapter 1), a golden age at the end of the 19th century, the first 30 years of the 20th century with true scientific breakthroughs (chapter 2), the dark age before and during World War II (chapter 3), the slow and painful (chapter 4) and since the 1970ies accelerating recovery (chapter 5-8) of clinical neuroscience and neurology in Germany [1].
All e-learning activities are free-of-charge for EAN members registered to ! Answer all questions correctly and you will receive one hour of CME. European Journal of Neurology
Every month one article is chosen for online learning. The following articles… Continue Reading -
The 5th London-Innsbruck Colloquium on Status Epilpticus will be in London on 9-11th April, and is a reminder to all of the importance of this condition.
eBrain has specific sessions both on convulsive status epilepticus, and the less serious,… Continue Reading -
I’m delighted to announce that for future congresses, starting with Berlin 2015, the EAN will award up to 5 certificates of ‘excellence in teaching’ to the best speakers in any of the congress educational activities (interactive workshops, teaching courses, hands… Continue Reading
It is a great pleasure to introduce the recipients of the Fellowship 2015 (in alphabetical order): Scientific Fellowship: Elena Antelmi from Italy was selected for her project: “Sensorimortor modulation in dystonia induced by low frequency (@1HZ) repetitive tactile stimulation” which… Continue Reading
Report from the Education Committee, February 2015
by Hannah Cock Education underpins much of the EAN vision, in which context an early priority for the Education Committee has been to work on how best to optimise the quality of… Continue Reading
I had the opportunity to be one of the young neurologists chosen by the EFNS Education Committee to receive an educational fellowship. This was a 6 month fellowship in Neuro-infectious diseases that took place in the Department of Neurology and the HIV Unit of the Royal London Hospital in London, under the supervision of Prof Gavin Giovanonni and Dr Mónica Marta. Here I had the chance to follow experienced neurologists in their activities in the ward, outpatient clinic, meetings and research projects.