It was a great honor for me to be awarded with the EAN Research experience fellowship. I spend the six months at the Epilepsy Center of University Hospital Freiburg, Germany. My project’s title was "EEG-fMRI localization of epileptic activity using advanced analysis techniques (Grouiller-Method)".
Look out for a new single-sign on for EAN members when the new EAN website is launched later this year. EAN members will be able to go directly from the EAN website to ebrain without the need to use separate… Continue Reading
All associate individual members of the 47 neurological societies that belong to the EAN are eligible to receive FREE online access to European Journal of Neurology (the official journal of the EAN).
Many European Neurologists are aware of Neuropenews, the blog/newsletter of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN). Neuropenews is a platform free to all EAN members.
All e-learning activities are free-of-charge for EAN registered users.
Answer all questions correctly and you will receive one hour of CME.
European Journal of Neurology Every month one article is chosen for online learning. The following articles are available free… Continue Reading -
It has been a great honor for me to be awarded with the EAN scientific fellowship 2015. Thanks to the EAN, I had the chance to spend one year at the Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders of the University College of London and to join the Movement Disorders Clinic under the supervision of Professor Kailash Bhatia.
Report from Tatiana Torgan from Russia visiting the Movement Disorders Unit, Neurology Department, San Pau Hospital, Barcelona, Spain under supervision of Dr Alexandre Gironell
Other News
The 8th European Board Examination in Neurology for young neurologists. Copenhagen May 27th 2016
March 1, 2016by Jan Kuks It should be mentioned, that part of this title is not correct. Yes, the 8th Examination for young neurologists will take place at the site of the EAN-congress in Copenhagen, and yes, it will be on May… Continue Reading
Education cornerEur J Neurol
European Journal of Neurology: CME article February 2016
February 1, 2016The new CME article February 2016: “Clinical dissection of childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut and prognostic implication” by A. Verrotti et. al. is online now! -
Education corner
Report from the Autumn Meeting of the UEMS Section of Neurology – European Board of Neurology, November 2015 by EAYNT/RRFS
February 1, 2016by Panagiotis Zis The Autumn Meeting of the UEMS Section of Neurology – European Board of Neurology took place on the 21st of November 2015 in Valencia, Spain during the Spanish National Neurology Conference. The delegates of most National Neurological… Continue Reading -
First of all, I want to thank EAN for unique opportunity to visit the Headache Clinic at the department of Neurology at the Evangelical Hospital in Unna, Germany.
In 2014 I was honored to be awarded with the scientific fellowship in the Department of neuromuscular disorders, University Medical Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands, supervised by Prof. Hessel Franssen.
Report from Sebastian Schreglmann from Switzerland visiting the Sobell Deparment, National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery (NINN), Queen Square, London under the supervision of Professor Kailash Bhatia As a recipient of the EAN Department to Department Programme the following lines… Continue Reading
Education corner
EAN Spring School for Neurologists in Training – 1 more week until application deadline
January 22, 2016This year the EAN Spring School will take place from May 12th to May 15th, 2016 at the Hotel Bezděz in Staré Splavy, Czech Republic. -
The new CME article January 2016: “Intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke in the elderly: data from the Baden-Wuerttemberg stroke registry” is online now! Please browse to the e-learning section on the EAN Website (in the registered user area) and… Continue Reading