by Peter J Goadsby A Core Curriculum, for use by medical schools and residency programmes, was originally identified as an educational goal by the International Headache Society Strategic Planning group. In 2009 the IHS Education committee initiated the Core Curriculum… Continue Reading
All e-learning activities are free-of-charge for EFNS members, who are registered to www.efns.org! Answer all questions correctly and you will receive one hour of CME. European Journal of Neurology Every month one article is chosen for online learning. The following… Continue Reading
Space is limited – please make sure to register early via the congress website! www.efns.org/efns2012 Saturday, September 8, 2012 9.30-11.00
Free Teaching Course: How do I examine…? 11.30 – 13.30
Teaching Course 1: Movement disorders – basic clinical knowledge
Teaching… Continue Reading -
The tradition of the EFNS grants within the “Department to Department” programme will continue also in 2012. We are aware of the tremendous help the hosting departments give their guests. This often implies convenient accommodations, help with visa issuing, help… Continue Reading
It is a great pleasure to introduce the recipients of the EFNS Fellowship 2012 (in alphabetical order): Scientific Fellowship: Olena Fartushna from Ukraine was selected for her project: cerebral ischaemia measured using MRI spectroscopy (cerebral ischaemia study) which she will… Continue Reading
The European Board Examination in Neurology will take place for the 4th time during the EFNS meeting in Stockholm, in 2012. After Milan, Geneva and Lisbon, the UEMS* European Board of Neurology (EBN) examination has become established and is an… Continue Reading
Teaching and education are an important aspects of the EFNS congresses. In Budapest at the 15th EFNS Congress the participants in the Teaching Course (TC) were asked to fill in a questionnaire about themselves, their professional carrier and satisfaction about the congress program and attended TC.
The European Board Examination will take place at the 16th EFNS Congress in Stockholm, Sweden, on September 7th, 2012. Further information can be found on the UEMS EBN website (www.uems-neuroboard.org), in regard to questions, cases and the examination. Also the… Continue Reading
Deadline of application: 31 January 2012 This year’s Spring School will take place from 10-13 May 2012.
The topics covered will be: Movement disorders; Multiple sclerosis; Consciousness, coma, intensive care in neurology and Neurology in the world – present state… Continue Reading
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