by Hannah Cock
Headache is felt at some time by nearly everybody, and the WHO estimates that almost half the world’s adults at any one time have recent personal experience of one or more of the three common primary headache… Continue Reading
Since 2001, this training activity has been highly appreciated by participants and hosting departments. Each grant is amounting to € 1,500.- plus travel expenses of up to € 300.-. The purpose of this award is to support the accommodation and board expenses in the city of practice. The grant is supposed to allow a visit of a six weeks duration. If a participant is able to accept a low budget board, it may be possible to stay longer than six weeks in the hosting department.
Report from Dr Pawel Chochol from Poland visiting the Department of Neurology at the Royal London Hospital, United Kingdom under the supervision of Dr Salek-Haddadi. I visited the United Kingdom on an eight-week Department-Department Co-Operation Programme at the Royal London… Continue Reading
I would like to express my gratitude towards the European Academy of Neurology for the honour to organize the Regional Teaching Course in Sofia, Bulgaria which proved to be an event excelling in terms of attendance and content. In this respect I would like to thank all the invited speakers for their great responsiveness and support.
Interview with the chair of the EAN Scientific Committee: Antonio Federico
October 1, 2014Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As Chair of the Scientific Committee, can you illustrate the role you give to the EAN within the community of European neurologists? Antonio Federico (AF): EAN has a very important role, because it is the only… Continue Reading
Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As Secretary General to EAN, can you illustrate the role you give to EAN within the community of European Neurologists? Didier Leys (DL): The EAN is a society of both individual members and national societies. This… Continue Reading
The EAN is a young Society and our purpose is to promote ‘Excellence in Neurology in Europe’. This task has many facets and one of them is to engage more people in the Society. This process is presently underway.
All e-learning activities are free-of-charge for EAN members registered to! Answer all questions correctly and you will receive one hour of CME. European Journal of Neurology
Every month one article is chosen for online learning. The following articles are… Continue Reading -
EAN Department-Department Co-operation Programme Application Deadline: November 30, 2014
Since 2001, this training activity is highly appreciated by participants and hosting departments. Each grant is amounting to € 1,500.- plus travel expenses of up to € 300.-. The purpose of… Continue Reading
Report from Dr. Naida Nasrullayeva from Azerbaijan visiting the Department of Neurology at the University Hospital Copenhagen, Denmark under the supervision of Doctor Michael Oettinger. First of all, I would like to thank EFNS (EAN) for the opportunity to visit… Continue Reading
Professor Paul Boon works at the Ghent University Hospital, Department of Neurology, Belgium
We have learned from Dr Paolo Giannetti, Italy, that his research supported by the EFNS Fellowship in 2009 has recently been published in Neurobiology of Disease, 65 (2014) 203-210: “Microglia activation in multiple sclerosis black holes predicts outcome in progressive… Continue Reading
First of all I would like to thank the EAN Head Office, Julia Mayer, the EAN Education committee, especially Professor Detlef Kömpf, and all our invited speakers for their support in organising the Regional Teaching Course in Baku.
by Peter Balicza The European Academy of Neurology Regional Teaching Courses aim to bring neurological standards to Eastern countries, and to establish friendly relationships with colleagues from other countries. As a participant and EAYNT (European Association of Young Neurologist and… Continue Reading
EAN News
6th Regional Teaching Course (RTC) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) – Lusaka, Zambia, June 19th – 21st, 2014
August 1, 2014The 6th Regional Training Course in Sub-Saharan Africa addressing Neurology took place from 19th to 21st June in Lusaka, Zambia and was hosted by the University of Zambia. The training was organised by the EAN and was supported by a consortium of European, international scientific societies and the Zambian Government, namely: