Neurology training in Europe varies considerably between countries. Results from a recent survey have been published in the European Journal of Neurology, highlighting similarities and differences between European Union (EU) countries, other European Economic Area countries, and Switzerland.
Education corner
The 9th European Board Examination in Neurology for young neurologists. Amsterdam June 23th 2017
February 1, 2017After the 8th EBN Exam in Copenhagen 2016 there will be a 9th one at the site of the EAN-meeting, close to the famous canals of the inner city in Amsterdam. 72 candidates showed up in Copenhagen, 67 of them… Continue Reading -
The 2nd Congress of the EAN includes the following networking programme and special sessions:
Friday, May 27, 2016: EBN Examination.
The UEMS EBN examination will be held one day prior to the congress at Bella Center Copenhagen. The examination… Continue Reading -
Other News
The 8th European Board Examination in Neurology for young neurologists. Copenhagen May 27th 2016
March 1, 2016by Jan Kuks It should be mentioned, that part of this title is not correct. Yes, the 8th Examination for young neurologists will take place at the site of the EAN-congress in Copenhagen, and yes, it will be on May… Continue Reading
Other News
European Board of Neurology Examination: A Europe-wide challenge for young neurologists
February 1, 2015
by Jan Kuks The European Academy of Neurology facilitates collaboration in fields of science, health care and education within Neurope. On the other hand, the Section of Neurology (European Board of Neurology, EBN), being part of the Union of European… Continue Reading -
The UEMS EBN examination will be held one day prior to the 1st congress of the European Academy of Neurology in Berlin. Date: Friday, June 19th, 2015 Venue: City Cube Berlin – Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin,… Continue Reading
Neurology is an important discipline and is rapidly developing. Recent economic studies have identified that one third of the European population is affected by a brain disease and they need treatment by neurologists, neurosurgeons and psychiatrists. The costs for these diseases are getting astronomic.
Other News
Brain-drain in Turkish Catacombs: Report of the 6th Examination of the European Board of Neurology
June 3, 2014by Jan Kuks & Gabrielle Lohner
UEMS Section of Neurology – European Board Neurology Proving is improving. This was the drive for many candidates taking the 6th European Board examination in Neurology in Istanbul on May 30th. The examination has… Continue Reading -
In the past year, the EFNS TEC has continued working with the same leadership.
by Wolfgang Grisold and Svein Ivar Mellgren The 6th European Board examination in Neurology will be held on Friday May 30, 2014 during the Joint Congress of European Neurology in Istanbul, Turkey.
The examination is a joint development of the… Continue Reading -
by Alexander Bisdorff and Jan Kuks The UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes) has as a main objective to set the basis for European standards in postgraduate medical training and to develop a mechanism of evaluation of medical specialists’ competence… Continue Reading
by Svein Ivar Mellgren and Wolfgang Grisold
The 4th European Board Examination in Neurology was generously hosted by the European Federation of Neurological Societies at the venue of the 16th EFNS Congress at Stockholmmässan in Stockholm, Sweden on September 7,… Continue Reading
Forum: UEMS Section/Board of neurology and the neurological scientific societies in Europe
September 1, 2012by Alexandre Bisdorff The UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes – was founded in 1958 and is constituted by the national medical associations of EU member states and European Economic Area countries (as full members). Additional 4 countries have… Continue Reading
Johann Sellner, Past-President of the EAYNT (European Association of Young Neurologists and Trainees)
The work done by the European Board of Neurology (EBN) is impressive and the EFNS is very grateful. If the EBN did not exist the EFNS would have had to invent it and do the work ourselves. As it is we enjoy an intimate relationship with EBN. Two members of the EFNS sit on the EBN, Dr Marianne de Visser and Dr David Vodušek, and we have invited the President of the EBN to attend and speak to the Council of the EFNS in September in Stockholm. Clearly the training of our neurologists is of the utmost importance to European neurology. The care with which the EBN revised Chapter 6 of its educational charter incorporating the neurology training curriculum deserves our applause and thanks.
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