“Our brain – our future”: Awareness-raising for the importance of brain health – Emphasis on prevention of underestimated burden of disease On 22 July, the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) launched the first “World Brain Day,” an event dedicated to… Continue Reading
The European Brain Council, brain child of former EFNS President Jes Olesen, has announced the launch of the long waited Year of the Brain (YotB) this year. We had an official European Union Month of the Brain in May 2013 to which we have already drawn attention in NEUROPENEWS [https://www.eanpages.org/?p=3375].
The European Brain Council’s Weekly EU Research Update
Please click on the links below to view updates of the latest EU projects relevant to mental health and neurological research: European-COMPARative Effectiveness research on online Depression
Project Acronym: E-COMPARED Communication of… Continue Reading -
Every year the President provides a report to the Council of Delegates, our senior governing body, about the events of the previous year. This year the Council will meet at the World Congress of Neurology and I shall report as follows.
Staré Splavy, Hotel Bezděz, Czech Republic
May, 9-12, 2013 Our 14th course took place during the month of May, which was labelled by the European Union as European Month of the Brain to raise awareness of the importance of brain-related… Continue Reading -
The European Commission held two major events during May to celebrate the European Month of the Brain under the Presidency of the Republic of Ireland.
Dear Members of National Brain Councils and National Action Groups, It is our pleasure to send you in attached the first edition of the EBC News. The EBC News brings you news on our work and is a platform for… Continue Reading
Neurologists need no persuasion that the brain is the most important organ in the body and neurology and its allied specialties, including psychiatry, the most important in medicine. Just occasionally we need to remind the world of these truths. We now have the opportunity to do just that because the European Commission has declared May as the official European Month of the Brain 2013.
EBC – External Environment Reports and EU Research updates As you are aware, times change rather quickly so that we must think, work, and step out of the box we are in. In order to help to better understand the… Continue Reading
Mary Baker is President of the European Brain Council (EBC)
by Gunhild Waldemar
The Liaison Committee assists the Management Committee in liaising with other professional and lay organizations as well as with the communication strategy. In 1998 at the 3rd Congress of the EFNS in Seville, Spain Professor Jes Olesen,… Continue Reading
This title stands not, regrettably, for the President’s present state of mind or place but for the brilliant acronym of a research project called Psychosocial fActors Relevant to brAin DISorders in Europe.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013 Brussels, Belgium
European Brain Research Successes and Next Challenges Monday, 27 May and Tuesday, 28 May 2013 Dublin, Ireland
Healthy brain: healthy Europe – A new horizon for brain research and health care Please be informed… Continue Reading -
Last month I told you that the bill for brain disease in Europe is €800 billion. To reduce this burden, we need to buy better brain treatment. To make a real long-term difference, we need more research to understand, treat and prevent brain disease better. In the meantime, of course, European and national governments should support healthcare and societal policies which we already know will help, such as reducing smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity and road traffic accidents.
The ECNP Media Prize is for any media-related activity (journalism, fiction, TV, theatre, dance – i.e. in any medium) that contributes to the de-stigmatisation of disorders of the brain. It comes with a € 5,000 prize. The key determinant is… Continue Reading