After a very successful congress in Amsterdam with more than 6000 participants, the Editors-in-chief, Elena Moro and Tim von Oertzen interviewed the two persons, responsible for the organisation of the congress, Prof. Paul Boon, chair EAN programme committee and Prof.… Continue Reading
Following the the very well attended lunch session: “Challenges for women in neurology” Elena Moro and Selma Tromp invited the 3 lecturing ladies for a round-talbe discussion. Please read the enitre report on this session, or the follow-up article… Continue Reading
During the EAN conference in Amsterdam in June 2017, the symposium on "Challenges for Women in Neurology" had 2 out of 3 invited speakers address aspects African Neurology (Dekker from Tanzania; Charway-Felli from Ghana). That is not a coincidence, as this region has seen significant developments in very recent years.
EAN Congress newsEducation corner
Amsterdam 2017: 18 years of EAN Spring School – Alumni “Happy Hour”
August 1, 2017During the 3rd Congress of the EAN, an outstanding opportunity of meeting colleagues who took part in previous Spring School meetings was organized. -
Resident and Research FellowsEAN Congress news
Amsterdam 2017: RRFS hospital visit at VUmc
August 1, 2017Residents and research fellows discover the VUmc This year’s annual hospital visit on Sunday 25th of June 2017 brought 80 residents and research fellows from all over the world to the impressive VU University Medical Center Amsterdam (VUmc) located in the southwestern part of Amsterdam, close to the campus of VU University. The RRFS hospital visit was organised in collaboration with the Dutch Junior Neurology Association. -
We congratulate the winners of the Investigator Awards to their presentation during the
3rd EAN Congress in Amsterdam 2017! The Prize consists of an Award certificate and free registration to the Lisbon Congress. All winners’ presentations were filmed –… Continue Reading -
Resident and Research FellowsEAN Congress newsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: RRFS special session: “Meet the experts and learn about clinical work and research (clinical and laboratory) around Europe”
August 1, 2017The special session of the Residents and Research Fellow Section (RRFS) took place on Sunday 25.06.2017 during the EAN congress 2017 in Amsterdam. This year the special session was held in a novel format with the aim to create a more informal environment between juniors and senior researchers and clinicians. -
EAN Congress newsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: Report on Symposium 6: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD)
August 1, 2017Symposium 6: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) as a model of interaction between cognition, behaviour and motor impairment Chairpersons:
Albert C. Ludolph, Ulm, Germany
Yolande A.L. Pijnenburg, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, The Netherlands The neuropathology of ALS… Continue Reading -
EAN Congress newsFeatured Slider
Amsterdam 2017: Memories from the 3rd EAN Congress – view the photo gallery
August 1, 2017Memories from the 3rd EAN Congress in Amsterdam find yourself, a colleague or a friend in the Amsterdam photo-gallery
Amsterdam 2017: Memories from the 3rd EAN Congress – view the photo gallery was last modified: July 31st,… Continue Reading
Bernard Uitdehaag, Guenther Deuschl, Paul Boon
during the Highlight session the most prominent topics of the congress were given special recognition: Stroke
Veerle De Herdt, , Belgium Multiple Sclerosis
Rogier Q. Hintzen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Degenerative disorders including dementia… Continue Reading -
EAN Congress news
Amsterdam 2017: Report on Symposium 7: ESO/EAN: Uncommon cerebrovascular diseases
June 27, 2017ESO/EAN symposium 7: uncommon cerebrovascular diseases Chairpersons:
Stefan Engelter, Basel, Switzerland
C.J.M. (Karin) Klijn, AMERSFOORT, The Netherlands Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome: how to recognise it?
Anne Ducros, Montpellier, France Cervical artery dissection: where are we now?
Stefan Engelter, Basel, Switzerland… Continue Reading -
Amsterdam 2017: Meet and Greet @ the Hermitage Museum was last modified: July 31st, 2017 by Editor… Continue Reading
CME TOPICAL SYMPOSIUM: Spinal muscular atrophy Chairperson
Ulrike Schara, Essen, Germany
Enrico Bertini, Roma, Italy Diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy
W.Ludo Van Der Pol, Utrecht, The Netherlands Clinical aspects of spinal muscular atrophy
Ulrike Schara, Essen, Germany Therapy and management… Continue Reading -
The third Women in Neurology Session: is the landscape really changing with respect to the gender gap? The “Challenges in for Women in Neurology” lunch session took place for the third time at EAN 2017 and featured three successful practitioners… Continue Reading
EAN Congress news
Amsterdam 2017: Report on Symposium 5: ILAE-CEA/EAN: Recent and upcoming new drugs and devices for the treatment of epilepsy
June 27, 2017ILAE-CEA/EAN: Recent and upcoming new drugs and devices for the treatment of epilepsy CHAIRPERSONS: Meir Bialer, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL Paul Boon, GHENT, BELGIUM 25 years new anti-epileptic drugs – did they make a difference?
Eugen Trinka, SALZBURG, AUSTRIA New anti-epileptic drugs… Continue Reading
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