Present academic and clinical positions:
Professor of Neurology, Chairman of the Department of Neurology
Present academic and clinical positions: Professeur ordinaire & médecin Chef de service de neurologie, CHUV & University of Lausanne; Directeur du département des neurosciences cliniques, CHUV Lausanne; Executive co-director (medicine), Human Brain Project, EU; Professeur titulaire, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Honorary professor, Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, UCL Institute of Neurology, London
Present academic and clinical positions: Professor of Clinical Neurology and Head, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford; Honorary Consultant Neurologist, Oxford, University Hospitals Trust
This, our last Presidents’ Page, marks the foundation of the EAN. It is adapted from our longer editorial in the European Journal of Neurology which will be the journal of the EAN.
The Preliminary Programme of the 1st Congress of the European Academy of Neurology is online now. Please visit!
by Eberhard Deisenhammer A long living institution or society needs an archive, especially if the officers of such a society, out of democratic reasons, turn over rapidly (e.g. members of the management committee can only be elected twice for a… Continue Reading
1. The members of the Scientific Committee (SC) at present are:
by Gian Luigi Lenzi Editor in chief: Gian Luigi Lenzi
Co-editors: José Ferro, Christian Krarup, David B. Vodusek NEUROPENEWS has been published on the 1st of every month through all the year 2013 & 2012 and is planned to… Continue Reading -
The call for nominations of candidates for the EAN Board was sent in November 2013 and the application portal was open until 14 February 2014. Following a thorough review of all applications by the Election Organising Committee (EOC), a preliminary… Continue Reading
As in previous issues, Neuropenews asked EFNS/ENS committee members, Panel chairs, Speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Istanbul, June 2014. You will find the answers below …
(What takes really long will finally work out well) German saying
by Werner Hacke Back in time in the early 90ies as a young chairperson of Neurology at the University of Heidelberg I was a member of the ENS and… Continue Reading
Roadmap to Istanbul: About the future European Academy of Neurology – Interview with Michael Strupp
February 1, 2014Michael Strupp is Professor of Neurology at the Maximilian University in Munich, Germany. He is co-editor of the Journal of Neurology. José Ferro (JF): How do you see the creation of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN)? Michael Strupp (MS):… Continue Reading
EAN News
1st Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Berlin 2015 – Programme overview is online!
February 1, 2014We are happy to inform that a list of the Symposia, Teaching Courses, Focused Workshops, Interactive Sessions, Hands-on Courses and Special Sessions that are scheduled for the 1st EAN Congress in Berlin, Germany - 20-23 June 2015 - is online now. -
The first EAN General Assembly will take place on 3 June 2014 in Istanbul, when EAN will be founded. The delegates to the General Assembly are: Yuri Alekseenko, Belarus
Corrado Angelini, Italy
Zohar Argov, Israel
Anita Arsovska, FYRO Macedonia
Eduard… Continue Reading -
On behalf of the German Neurological Society I am pleased to invite you to the 1st Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), taking place in Berlin from 20 to 23 June 2015.