David B. Vodušek (DBV): UEMS-Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes/European Union of Medical Specialists has already a long experience with accreditation of international CME in Europe. Please inform about the situation of CME in European countries. What are the differences between CME and CPD?
Nathalie Paulus (NP): One of the aims of the UEMS has always been to try and harmonise CME/CPD in Europe. In this respect the UEMS regularly conducts surveys in order to explore the state of play of CME/CPD in Europe. The latest survey dates back to 2014.
Interview with Jan Kuks, Chair of the EAN Quality Assurance sub-Committee
September 1, 2015Elena Moro (EM): The EAN Quality Assurance Sub-Committee works closely together with the EAN Education Committee. Can you briefly describe the main reasons why the EAN has gathered this sub-committee? Jan Kuks (JK): In fact, the EAN Quality Assurance sub-Committee is part of the EAN Education Committee (EC). We are working together with the main board of the EC and other EC-subcommittees (such as the Teaching Course sub-Committee), to set up an optimal programme for teaching and education, offered to the European neurological community by the EAN. -
Elena Moro (EM): As Chair of the Education Committee, can you illustrate the role you give to EAN within the community of European neurologists? Hannah Cock (HC): I see my role as leading on the Educational Strategy of the EAN, and overseeing the delivery of educational activities to support this, in parallel with ensuring robust quality assurance mechanisms are in place. Education underpins much of the EAN vision, and is also a substantial component of the annual budget so this is a role I take very seriously, working closely with my colleagues on the board and of course the committee and subcommittees.
In the past 6 months, the EFNS SubCommittee has continued working with the following leader- and membership: Jan Kuks, The Netherlands – Chairman Members: Thomas Berger, Austria; Vitalie Lisnic, Moldova; Serefunur Öztürk, Turkey; Ex-officio-member: Jean-Marc Léger (chairman Training & Education committee)
In the past year the EFNS SubCommittee has continued working with a new leader- and membership. The SubCommittee consists of the following members:
The ebrain e-learning programme continues to expand and improve the variety and quality of its educational features and functionality. As a Not-for-Profit initiative, ebrain is brought to you by the Joint Neurosciences Council, the European Federation of Neurological Societies and… Continue Reading
Forum: European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) UEMS – New Developments
March 1, 2013by Alexandre Bisdorff The European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1958 comprising the national medical organisations that represent medical specialists in the European Union and in associated countries. The UEMS is committed to the… Continue Reading
Forum: UEMS Section/Board of neurology and the neurological scientific societies in Europe
September 1, 2012by Alexandre Bisdorff The UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes – www.uems.net) was founded in 1958 and is constituted by the national medical associations of EU member states and European Economic Area countries (as full members). Additional 4 countries have… Continue Reading
The national Medical Specialist Associations in Europe are represented at the European level by the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). To harmonise and improve the quality of Continuing Medical Education (CME) UEMS delegated the task of accreditation to UEMS… Continue Reading