the understanding or treatment of MS.
David B. Vodušek (DBV): Can you tell us about your training and how you ended up looking after neurological patients with MS and pursuing research in MS?
Per Soelberg Sorensen (PSS): When I was a young doctor, I was fascinated by neurology because of the way the neurologist would deduct where the lesion in the nervous system was located based on the history and objective examination. This was before the appearance of scanners.
demyelinating disease
Grand Rounds
Case Report: Incoercible hiccups and vomiting as the main presenting symptom in a 14-year-old girl with NMO
December 1, 2012by Sara Machado et al. Introduction: Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) affects preferentially the optic nerve and spinal cord; and its serum marker, the antibody against AQP4, has improved the diagnosis. AQP4 is heavily expressed in area postrema, which explains clinical presentations… Continue Reading