5th International Conference on New Therapies for Parkinson and Dementia
September 25th 2017, Pisa, Italy
The conference will bring together international experts of neurodegenerative diseases coming from the academic world, hospital centres and pharmaceutical industry. The meeting will focus on… Continue Reading
Resident and Research FellowsEAN Congress news
Amsterdam 2017: RRFS hospital visit at VUmc
August 1, 2017Residents and research fellows discover the VUmc This year’s annual hospital visit on Sunday 25th of June 2017 brought 80 residents and research fellows from all over the world to the impressive VU University Medical Center Amsterdam (VUmc) located in the southwestern part of Amsterdam, close to the campus of VU University. The RRFS hospital visit was organised in collaboration with the Dutch Junior Neurology Association. -
by Anna Sauerbier Neuroscience-based Nomenclature
https://www.ecnp.eu/research-innovation/nomenclature.aspx?ec_as=B7D865F484714A188FBBD8563A5F7CF8 New Alzheimer Europe publication highlights inequalities in access to dementia care and treatment across Europe
http://cordis.europa.eu/news/rcn/141444_en.html?&WT_mc_id=email-Notification Alzheimer Europe launches European Dementia Monitor 2017 at the European Parliament
http://alzheimer-europe.org/News/Alzheimer-Europe/Tuesday-27-June-2017-AE-launches-European-Dementia-Monitor-2017-at-the-European-Parliament Atomic… Continue Reading -
Bernard Uitdehaag, Guenther Deuschl, Paul Boon
during the Highlight session the most prominent topics of the congress were given special recognition: Stroke
Veerle De Herdt, , Belgium Multiple Sclerosis
Rogier Q. Hintzen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Degenerative disorders including dementia… Continue Reading -
28th Summer Stroke School – Healthy Lifestyle and Prevention of Stroke and Other Brain Impairments June 5th – 9th 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia Primary objective of the course is to encourage cooperation and to promote exchange of knowledge between participants from… Continue Reading
EAN Congress newsTop Articles
Neurological news from the Netherlands VI – the land of the 3rd EAN Congress: Dementia Research in the Netherlands
June 1, 2017By Evelien Lemstra Dementia is a growing health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Around 250,000 people are estimated to suffer from dementia in the Netherlands. Dementia is the most expensive health condition, taking… Continue Reading
News from EAN member societiesOther News
Reading recommendations- news from other societies
June 1, 2017Major research funders and international NGOs to implement WHO standards on reporting clinical trial results -
EAN Congress newsInterviewsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: Which session you should not miss…
May 15, 2017As in the previous years, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Lisbon 2018. Please find their answers below! -
Please find below articles from Romanian authors that were published in the European Journal of Neurology.
by Anna Sauerbier I love my brain logo – please download and use
http://www.braincouncil.eu/activities/news/download-the-i-love-my-brain-logo/ World Health Day 2017 – Depression: the biggest barrier to workplace well-being
http://www.mhe-sme.org/fileadmin/Position_papers/Depression-_the_biggest_barrier_to_workplace_well-being.pdf Alzheimer Europe: The importance of awareness in dementia
http://researchfeatures.com/2017/02/28/alzheimer-europe/… Continue Reading -
EAN Congress newsInterviewsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: Which session you should not miss…
May 1, 2017As in the previous years, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Lisbon 2018. Please find their answers below! -
The official journal of the EAN, covers all areas of clinical and basic research in neurology. Emphasis is placed on major diseases of clinical and socio-economic importance:
Paper of the MonthFeatured Slider
Paper of the month: Smog as a risk factor for developing dementia
April 1, 2017For April 2017, we have selected: Chen H, Kwong JC, Copes R, et al. Living near major roads and the incidence of dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis: a population-based cohort study. Lancet 2017:389;718-726. Some studies have suggested that smog and noise can play a role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders by inducing oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, microglia and neuronal antibody activation. -
Other News
March 1, 2017in collaboration with the Institute of Neuroscience and Institute for Ageing, Newcastle University, UK; Centre for Ageing and Health (AgeCAP), Sweden; Alzheimer’s Research, UK and the African Academy of Neurology (AFAN)6th – 9th December 2016 Nairobi, Kenya The landmark… Continue Reading
By Anna Sauerbier The balance between science and public opinion is ‘difficult’ http://www.euractiv.com/section/agriculture-food/interview/mcguinness-the-balance-between-science-and-public-opinion-is-difficult/ ———————————————————————————————————— The inequalities between men and women are most visible when it comes to mental health https://www.theparliamentmagazine.eu/articles/opinion/gender-inequality-most-evident-mental-health ———————————————————————————————————— Multiple sclerosis drug ‘a landmark’… Continue Reading