Online registration for the EAN Virtual Congress 2020 (May 23-26) is now OPEN!
After a very successful congress in Amsterdam with more than 6000 participants, the Editors-in-chief, Elena Moro and Tim von Oertzen interviewed the two persons, responsible for the organisation of the congress, Prof. Paul Boon, chair EAN programme committee and Prof.… Continue Reading
News from EAN member societies
News from EAN member societies: 1st Congress of Georgian Union of Neurologists
August 1, 2017The First Congress of Georgian Union of Neurologists was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 16th-17th June 2017. The aim of the congress was to establish active cooperation at the regional and national basis, to increase information level about burden and importance of neurological disease, to establish and support high standards in medical, scientific and ethic basis in the professional society of neurologists. -
EAN Congress newsFeatured Slider
Amsterdam 2017: Memories from the 3rd EAN Congress – view the photo gallery
August 1, 2017Memories from the 3rd EAN Congress in Amsterdam find yourself, a colleague or a friend in the Amsterdam photo-gallery
Amsterdam 2017: Memories from the 3rd EAN Congress – view the photo gallery was last modified: July 31st,… Continue Reading
Executive PageFeatured Slider
Join the 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology
June 1, 2017The European Academy of Neurology is announcing its third congress from June 24th- June 27th at the RAI Congress Center in Amsterdam. We are expecting more than 6000 neurologists from Europe and all over the world for this outstanding annual event. The programme and the education committee of the EAN worked hard to create a program which will present cutting edge science and first class education for the general neurologist. The purpose is to present excellence in neurology and when the participants leave the congress they will know all about the current status and the important news in our field. -
Dear EAN member, The European Academy of Neurology congress is the largest European congress on Neurology gathering more than 5500 participants from all over Europe and the rest of the world each year! Neurologists and other specialists have the chance… Continue Reading
InterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. Bernard Uitdehaag Co-Chair of the EAN Programme Committee of the 3rd Congress of the EAN
June 1, 2017Franz Fazekas (FF): Dear Prof. Uitdehaag, the 3rd Congress of the EAN will bring 6000 neurologists to Amsterdam. How do you and the Dutch neurological community feel about hosting Europe’s major neurological scientific event of the year? Bernard Uitdehaag (BU): We are excited that the EAN congress will be held in Amsterdam in June this year. As a president of the Netherlands Society of Neurology, I was involved in releasing a bid for the organization of an EAN congress a couple of years ago. -
InterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. Paul Boon Chair of the EAN Programme Committee of the 3rd Congress of the EAN
June 1, 2017Franz Fazekas (FF): Dear Prof. Boon, as Chair of the Programme Committee of the 3rd Congress of the EAN, can you briefly illustrate the overarching theme and structure of the programme that you and your colleagues have put together? Paul Boon (PB): The overarching theme chosen for the Amsterdam congress is "Outcome measures in neurology". There are many reasons why this theme was chos -
Resident and Research Fellows
Don’t miss the activities of the RRFS during the 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (24th to 27th June 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
June 1, 2017During the forthcoming EAN conference in Amsterdam, the RRFS will be present at the EAN booth in the entrance area. Please come along and get involved, learn about membership, travel/EBN grants and other conference activities! Members can also join the… Continue Reading -
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the congress quiz for the
3rd EAN Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, this year! Below you can find the three lucky winners who will receive a free registration to the Amsterdam congress! Ana… Continue Reading -
Dear EAN Individual Members, Time seems to be passing very quickly and our next Congress, the best opportunity for enjoying your membership benefits, is just around the corner! Before the early registration deadline, 29 March 2017, passes we would like… Continue Reading
Education corner
About the Poster Presentations at the 2016 Copenhagen EAN congress: insights for Amsterdam 2017
February 1, 2017When coming back from international congresses, it happens to be asked by our patients if we have heard about new innovative and highly effective treatments or new research about specific neurological diseases… -
The EAN may endorse proposals from other organizations as for example: scientific programmes from international or national meetings and conferences organized by other neurology related organizations or national neurological societies, policy statements related to neurology from other European or international organizations and publications from other organizations.
13th Annual Update Conference on Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology
February 20-21, 2017 Jerusalem, Israel, The conference will be held this year in Jerusalem on February 20-21, 2017. The conference will feature two parallel streams and workshops. Participants are invited to… Continue Reading -
EAN Congress newsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017 – The Educational Sessions – Hands-on courses
February 1, 2017By Claudia Sommer Hands-on courses include the active participation of the attendees. This course format is used whenever the learning objectives contain specific skills, as in neurophysiology, neurosonology, neuro-opthalmology, and movement disorders. A hands-on course may… Continue Reading
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