The European Journal of Neurology continues to attract a considerable number of original submissions, and can only publish approximately 15% of those received. Articles cover a broad range of clinical and scientific topics within neurology, but the proportion of articles on a disease area generally corresponds to its prevalence.
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EAN Congress newsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017 – The Educational Sessions – Hands-on courses
February 1, 2017By Claudia Sommer Hands-on courses include the active participation of the attendees. This course format is used whenever the learning objectives contain specific skills, as in neurophysiology, neurosonology, neuro-opthalmology, and movement disorders. A hands-on course may… Continue Reading
EAN Congress newsTop Articles
Neurological News from the Netherlands II – the land of the 3rd EAN Congress: Multiple sclerosis research in The Netherlands
February 1, 2017By Brigit de Jong Multiple sclerosis (MS) research has a longstanding history in the Netherlands with an impressive impact on global knowledge related to MS pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. During the time period where no disease modifying treatments options were… Continue Reading
EAN Congress newsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017 – The Educational Sessions – Teaching Courses
January 3, 2017by Prof. Dr. Claudia Sommer Teaching courses are designed to convey knowledge on a topical area within Neurology, with the ultimate aim to help the attendees to better understand this area, so that with this enhanced knowledge they will improve… Continue Reading
EAN Congress newsTop Articles
Neurological News from the Netherlands – the land of the 3rd EAN Congress: Neuro-oncology
January 3, 2017By Anja Gijtenbeek, on behalf of the Dutch Society of Neuro-Oncology The diagnosis and care of patients with neurological malignancies or neurological complications of systemic cancer pose many challenges, and requires multidisciplinary expertise. Nearly 25 years ago, two founding fathers… Continue Reading
InterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Mr. F. Destrebecq- Executive Director of the European Brain Council (EBC)
January 3, 2017David B. Vodušek (DV): Can you kindly illustrate how the idea of creating NBCs came about and what their intrinsic value is to EBC? F. Destrebecq (FD): The EBC has been founded to catch the ear of the EU decision makers. However, soon it became clear that by focusing only on Brussels, the EBC would not be able to achieve its full potential of influence. -
EAN Congress newsInterviewsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: Which session you should not miss…
January 3, 2017As in the previous year, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Amsterdam 2017. Please find their answers below! -
Abstract Submission Deadline is January 13, 2017! In order to submit an abstract, please log in/register on and go to your MyEAN area. There you can update your personal data and also find a link to the abstract submission… Continue Reading
EAN has come a long way since the merge of EFNS and ENS and has since reorganised its Scientific Panels. There are currently 31 of them and their role is to co-ordinate clinical research at a European level; disseminate good… Continue Reading
Moldova (official name – Republic of Moldova) – it’s a beautiful country located in the southern-western extreme of the Eastern-European plain, in the Europe’s heart.
Paper of the MonthTop ArticlesFeatured Slider
Paper of the month: Early diaphragm pacing should not be used in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
December 1, 2016For December 2016 we have selected: Gonzales-Bermejo J, Morélot-Panzini C, Tanguy M-L, et al. Early diaphragm pacing in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (RespiStimALS): a randomized controlled triple-blind trial. Lancet Neurol 2016:15;1217-1227. The main cause of death in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is related to respiratory failure. It has been hypothesized that diaphragm pacing (a technique that induces diaphragm contraction through the stimulation of the phrenic nerve) could slow the progression of respiratory muscle weakness, and increase alveolar ventilation and lung compliance in ALS patients. -
It is a great pleasure to introduce the recipients of the Research Fellowship 2017 (in alphabetical order):
…and register to the EAN congress in Amsterdam 2017. It is not only that you can save more than 100€ if you register now, but you will be able to cover the big five neurological diseases, as well as rare… Continue Reading
Zika virus is an arbovirus, member of the family Flaviridae, genus Flavivirus, which has created an important public health emergency in the Americas after an epidemic outbreak associated with nervous system disorders.
Education cornerTop Articles
EAN Regional Teaching Course in Kutaisi, Georgia 2016 – report by Prof Zaza Katsarava
November 1, 2016Regional teaching course of the European Academy of Neurology 6-8.10.2016 Kutaisi, Republic of Georgia