1.12. Welcome to the EAN Holiday Countdown!
Top Articles
EANpages is the electronic news tool of EAN reporting on what happens in the neurological and allied-disciplines field, in the EAN community, and providing informed opinions on different scientific and healthcare related topics in neurology. The EANpages Editor-in-Chief is expected… Continue Reading
EAN NewsEAN Congress newsTop Articles
EAN Oslo 2019 – Congress Registration is open!
November 30, 2018Registration for the 5th EAN Congress in Oslo, Norway, 29 June-2 July 2019, is now possible! You can find the scientific programme here. Save on the registration fee by becoming an EAN member! And don’t forget to sign up for… Continue Reading -
The UEMS EBN examination will be held one day prior to the 5th congress of the European Academy of Neurology. Date: Friday, June 28th, 2019 Venue: Norges Varemesse
Scientific committee reportsResearchTop Articles
Guidelines International Network Conference, Manchester 2018
November 1, 2018by Lucia Cernicka Guidelines International Network or G-I-N is a community with a mission to lead, strengthen and support collaboration in guideline production. To enhance its networking role, the G-I-N organises conferences on a regular basis, once a year,… Continue Reading -
Vienna, 12-13 October 2018: First recommendation meeting of the EAN ALS guideline panel. ALS is a disease with a very high unmet medical need. There are only limited options for disease-modifying pharmacotherapy. The cornerstone of the management remains multidisciplinary… Continue Reading
Prof. Dafin Muresanu (DF):Can you briefly illustrate the structure and mission of the World Muscle Society (WMS) to the readers of the EANpages? Peter van den Bergh (PvdB): The WMS was founded in London, UK, on 4 June 1995 by 15 founding members. The initiative came from Professor Victor Dubowitz who selected these founding members based on the principle that they constituted a high-level multidisciplinary team from all over the w
EAN NewsInterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. Paul Boon, former Chair of the EAN Programme Committee
November 1, 2018EANPages: How do you see the role of the Programme Committee within the overall work of EAN? Paul Boon (PB): The programme committee is the forum of exchange, discussion and decision on major aspects of the yearly EAN congress. The EAN congress is a scientific and educational meeting that is the flagship event of EAN. The PC decides on the main building blocks of congress. It is the PC that selects the proposals for symposia, sessions and -
EAN NewsOther NewsTop Articles
World Health Organisation – Regional Committee Session: WFN-ESO-EAN Announcement
October 1, 2018The Sixty-eight session of the World Health Organisation Regional Committee for Europe took place in Rome, Italy (16 – 20 September, 2018).Health ministers and high-level representatives of the 53 Member States… Continue Reading
Alshimaa Othman, MD, Cairo, Egypt Term of the stay: 16.4. – 28.9.2018 Hosting department:
Department of Neuroscience. Neurology Unit, Nuovo Ospedale Civile Sant’Agostino Estense,
via Giardini, 1355, 41126 Modena, Italy Supervisor : Prof. Stefano Meletti I would like to express… Continue Reading -
EAN NewsInterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. David Vodusek, former chair of the EAN Communication Committee
October 1, 2018How do you see the role of the Communication Committee (CC) within the overall work of the EAN? In principle, communication is at the basis of the functioning of a society, both within, and with partners or the various publics. The main communicators of a society are its president, the members of the board and, the executive director. The CC is more a think tank, an initiator, a follow-upper, and a workhorse tackling all the various communication agenda. -
EAN NewsInterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. Hannah Cock, former chair of EAN Education Committee
October 1, 2018How do you see the role of the Education Committee within the overall work of EAN? Prof. Hannah Cock (HC): Education is fundamental to the vision of EAN. Education underpins the sharing of knowledge and excellence. It also forms a substantial part of the annual congress, and offers numerous other opportunities to bring members together including our regular schools and other teaching courses and e-learning resources. -
ResearchEur J NeurolTop Articles
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the European Journal of Neurology
October 1, 2018EAN and Wiley want to know how neurology is making a difference, and how it has inspired you.
Tell us and you could win an iPad Pro!All you need to do is post your tweets, photos, videos and… Continue Reading
More than one in three people will eventually suffer from brain disease, yet only 10% of scientific resources are devoted to their research. Private initiatives such as Run4Brain are crucial in not only raising awareness but also raising funds that… Continue Reading
Other NewsTop Articles
23rd World Congress of the International Association of Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders (IAPRD)
September 1, 2018The XXIII World Congress of the International Association of Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders (IAPRD) was held from August 19th to 22th, 2018, in Lyon, France, at the Lyon Convention Centre, a beautiful location designed by the famous Italian… Continue Reading