Reports from the view of the visitor.
Top Articles
Breaking newsMultidisciplinaryTop Articles
Breaking News: Spanish Guidelines now in EAN Guideline Reference Centre!
January 10, 2019The Guidelines of the Spanish Neurological Society have been included in our Guideline Reference Centre. Take a look here ! You can filter by language and issuing body. We are currently working on including all national neurological guidelines from our member societies! We will keep you updated. -
Breaking newsMultidisciplinaryTop Articles
Breaking News: T cells in patients with narcolepsy target self-antigens of hypocretin neurons
January 10, 2019Members of the Scientific Panel on Sleep-Wake disorders (LaTorre et al.) have published an article on "T cells in patients with narcolepsy target self-antigens of hypocretin neurons" in Nature Neurology. You can find the article here. -
Other NewsTop Articles
EAN Endorses the ILAE – IBE letter to the WHO Director General
January 7, 2019TO: WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Epilepsy is the most common and potentially devastating chronic neurological disease that affects people across the lifespan. In Europe, epilepsy affects 6 million people (prevalence 8/1000) and the lifetime cumulative prevalence of epilepsy… Continue Reading -
Education cornerEducationTop Articles
EAN Spring School – Application Deadline is 31 January 2019
January 1, 2019Dedicated to 120 clinical neurologists in training who did not yet complete their residency/ clinical speciality training who wish to boost their knowledge and to get the chance to enable personal contacts among participants and faculty members. Contributions to the optimal organisation of neurological care, neurological services and postgraduate education throughout Europe will be presented. -
EAN Congress newsTop Articles
Neurological News from Norway I: The Norwegian Brain Council
January 1, 2019The Norwegian Brain Council, established in 2007, was one of the first of its kind in Europe. The initiative for it came from key members of the Norwegian Neurological Association, and today the council is seen as a key contributor to the Norwegian health system. -
EAN NewsInterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. Olof Flodmark, President of EBNI
January 1, 2019Prof. Dafin Muresanu (DF): Dear Prof. Flodmark can you please introduce the European Board of Interventional Neurology – EBNI to the readers of the EAN Pages. Prof. Olof Flodmark (OF): European Board of Neurointervention – EBNI is an independent European Society formed with the aim to support a multidisciplinary approach to neurointerventions by providing guidelines for practice and training and by recognizing individual competence and skills in neurointerventions. -
As in the previous years, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Oslo 2019. Please find their answers below!
Today is the last day of our EAN Holiday Countdown – we thank everyone who have participated in our raffles and contacted us regarding our articles. We hope you all had a lovely holiday season and now get to relax… Continue Reading
Did you already see the programme of our next congress in Oslo? Have a look at it here. We offer a variety of different scientific and educational session types, which are listed here. If you are interested in attending an… Continue Reading
20.12. Gingerbread cookies
Today, we will show you how to fold a christmas tree from a napkin!
ResearchScientific CornerTop Articles
EURO-NEURO – the collaboration between neurology and palliative care across Europe
December 5, 2018How do neurology and palliative care services collaborate across Europe? There is increasing interest in providing palliative care for people with progressive neurological disease but the full extent of the relationship is not known. The EAN Palliative Care Specialty Panel… Continue Reading -
It is a great pleasure to introduce the recipients of the Research Fellowship 2019 (in alphabetical order):
Education cornerEducationTop Articles
10th Regional Teaching Course in sub-Saharan Africa Antananarivo, Madagascar
December 1, 201810th Regional Teaching Course in sub-Saharan Africa
Antananarivo, Madagascar
24 – 27 October 2018The 10th Regional Teaching Course in sub-Saharan Africa took place in Antananarivo, Madagascar from October 24 through 27, 2018. The RTC was attended by 53 residents… Continue Reading