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Scientific Corner
Here we are posting information from the Scientific Committee.
ResearchInterviewsScientific CornerTop Articles
Rare Disease Day: Interview with Holm Graessner, Coordinator Rare Neurologic Diseases European Reference Network
February 28, 2018Antonio Federico (AF): On January 29-30, there has been in Tubingen the Kick-Off Meeting of the EU Project Solve-RD. You and Prof. Olaf Riess are coordinating this project. Can you summarize the aim and the activities of this important project? Holm Graessner (HG): To obtain a molecularly confirmed diagnosis remains one of the largest challenges for rare disease patients. To jointly tackle this challenge a core group of four European Reference Networks including the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases has motivated, designed and put together the Solve-RD project which is the first ERN based H2020 funded research project. Solve-RD brings together 21 partners from 10 countries which will be running from 2018 to 2022. -
ResearchScientific CornerTop Articles
Rare Disease Day: Update from the Scientific Panel on Sleep-wake Disorders
February 28, 2018Scientific news: Narcolepsy Currently the most discussed topic in narcolepsy research is the auto-immune hypothesis. Both animal and human studies have provided clues, but still no definite evidence regarding the auto-immune etiology of narcolepsy. Recent findings point towards T-cell related… Continue Reading -
ResearchScientific CornerTop Articles
Rare Disease Day: 2nd Teaching Course of the EAN Task Force for Rare Neurologic Diseases
February 28, 2018It is our great pleasure to announce the 2nd edition of the EAN Task Force for Rare Neurologic Diseases Teaching Course, to be organized in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), from 5-7 September 2018. As last year’s event was a success, the Task… Continue Reading -
Scientific CornerTop Articles
Editorial commentary: First European Multiple Sclerosis Guidelines – why are they needed and what are they good for?
January 20, 2018In 2016, the EAN president Günther Deuschl and ECTRIMS (European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS) president Xavier Montalban have decided to join the forces of the two societies, and prepare a common guideline for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). In view of the recent increase of medications approved for relapsing- and progressive MS, evidence-based guidance is needed to ensure standardized treatment of MS patients throughout Europe. -
ResearchScientific CornerTop Articles
A new guideline on cerebral venous thrombosis – Guideline paper by José Ferro
October 2, 2017A new guideline on cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) diagnosis and treatment issued by the European Stroke Organization (ESO) and endorsed by the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) was recently published in ESO (long version) and EAN (abbreviated version) official journals [1, 2]. -
ResearchScientific Corner
EAN Task Force for Rare Neurological Diseases – Report from the Teaching Course
October 2, 2017It is a pleasure to share with the European neurological community the outcome of the first teaching course for rare neurological diseases. The course took place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, from 7th to 9th September 2017. -
ResearchScientific Corner
Interview with Holm Graessner on the European Reference Networks – following the Meeting of the Rare Neurologic Diseases Task Force at EAN 2017
September 11, 2017Antonio Federico: What are the aims of your ERN? Holm Graessner: The aims of the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND network) will be: To increase the overall percentage of rare neurological disease patients with a final diagnosis through information dissemination, improved access to expertise centres, introduction of an EQA scheme for genetic RND diagnostics and virtual multidisciplinary consultation -
ResearchScientific Corner
Interview with Helen Cross on the European Reference Networks – following the Meeting of the Rare Neurologic Diseases Task Force at EAN 2017
September 4, 2017Antonio Federico: What are the aims of your ERN? Helen Cross: The objectives of the EpiCARE network will be: To improve accessibility of detailed diagnostics to individuals of all ages with rare and complex epilepsies across Europe, including clinical evaluation and investigation. -
ResearchScientific Corner
Interview with Teresinha Evangelista on the European Reference Networks – following the Meeting of the Rare Neurologic Diseases Task Force at EAN 2017
August 18, 2017ntonio Federico: What are the aims of your ERN? Teresinha Evangelista: Our MISSION: Through collaborative cross-border work the EURO-NMD ERN will improve the lives of EU citizens by improving diagnosis, treatment and the delivery of high-quality, accessible and cost-effective healthcare to patients with rare Neuromuscular Diseases (NMD) requiring a particular concentration of resources or expertise. -
ResearchScientific Corner
EAN Task Force for Rare Neurological Diseases Teaching Course – 7-9 September 2017, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
August 17, 2017The EAN Rare neurological diseases task force will be holding its 1st teaching course under the auspices of Dafin F. Muresanu, Professor of Neurology at the “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. This teaching course aims… Continue Reading -
Scientific Corner
EAN Guideline Production Group – 1st Science workshop on guideline production
April 1, 2017Establishment of European standards of diagnosis, treatment and care within the various subfields of neurology is one of the most important aims of the EAN. To reach this goal, EAN has set-up a Guideline Production Group (GPG), which provides scientific assistance to active Task Forces. -
We would like to draw your attention to the Public Stakeholder Consultation – Evaluation of Public-Public Partnerships (PPP) in the context of the Horizon 2020 Interim Evaluation, that the scientific community is asked to contribute to. You are particularly encouraged… Continue Reading
Scientific Corner
European Reference Networks approved by the Board of Member States of the European Council
January 12, 2017On the 15th December 2016 the European Reference Network Board of Member States approved several European Reference Networks (ERNs). -
EAN has come a long way since the merge of EFNS and ENS and has since reorganised its Scientific Panels. There are currently 31 of them and their role is to co-ordinate clinical research at a European level; disseminate good… Continue Reading