On 18 February, at a European Parliament lunch debate hosted by Christophe Hansen MEP (Luxembourg), Alzheimer Europe launched a new report presenting the findings of its collaborative analysis of recent prevalence studies and setting out updated prevalence rates for dementia in Europe.
Patients societies reports
Meeting of WHO with EFNA, EAN and EBC to discuss brain health Report Objectives: Platform for all participants to present their ongoing work and discuss potential collaboration in the area of brain health Participants: European Academy of Neurology (EAN): Raad… Continue Reading
The European Pain Forum officially kicks off with 10 health organisations joining forces
Pain is a core component of the patient’s experience within healthcare systems. The work of several European medical, scientific and patient organisations touches upon pain. Pain is… Continue Reading
With an information event hosted at the European Parliament on November 6th 2019, entitled: ‘Economy of Wellbeing: Healthy Women – Healthy Europe’, the European Institute for Women’s Health (EIWH, https://eurohealth.ie) called for concerted policy action to address gender health inequity in Europe. Speakers included MEPs, representatives from the European Commission, World Health Organization (WHO), National Governments and other key stakeholders.
Global Health – EFNA activities update
At EFNA we remain engaged with global health initiatives and actors (you can read about initial reasons for this here: Health is a shared global value). The last couple of months have been rather… Continue Reading
European Working Group of People with Dementia involved in RADAR-AD website section on Patient Engagement
Globalisation has created convergence of individual countries’ health problems and, consequently, mutual dependence for generating solutions. This means that in today’s world, we can no longer consider health of particular countries or regions, such as European Union (EU), in isolation.
The European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA), together with European Brain Council (EBC) and European Academy of Neurology (EAN), has sent an open letter to EU leaders, making a strong case for increased prioritisation of neurological/brain health in EU policies and calling for concrete measures to be undertaken to counteract the increasing burden of brain disorders.
Following the publication of its report on “The development of intercultural care and support for people with dementia from minority ethnic groups” in 2018, Alzheimer Europe has now launched an online repository of intercultural care initiatives, aimed at improving the situation of people with dementia and carers from minority ethnic backgrounds.
Other NewsPatients societies reports
News from Alzheimer Europe: Early Bird registrations for Conference reach all-time high
August 1, 2019Early Bird rates for the 29th Alzheimer Europe Conference (#29AEC) closed on 30 June 2019. Alzheimer Europe is delighted to announce that almost 600 delegates have already registered, with many more expected between now and close of online registrations, on 13 October 2019. The number of registrations so far has exceeded all previous years. Alzheimer Europe is excited to see everyone there, for what promises to be a diverse and engaging conference. -
Neuronet Scientific Coordination Board meeting brings together project leaders from across the IMI neurodegenerative disease portfolio, encompassing EUR 260 million of funding
Governmental Expert Group on Dementia holds second meeting The European Group of Governmental Experts on Dementia held its second meeting on 17 and 18 June 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 20 European countries were represented at the meeting, in addition to representatives from the 2nd European Joint Action on Dementia (Act on Dementia/DEM2), the World Health Organization (WHO) and Alzheimer Europe.
On 21 March (Madrid, Spain), the new Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) coordination and support action entitled “Efficiently Networking European Neurodegeneration Research” (NEURONET) held its kick-off meeting.