The European Brain Research Area project – EBRA – was created as a catalyzing platform for brain research stakeholders (researchers, clinicians, patients, governments, funders and public institutions) to streamline and better coordinate brain research across Europe.
The European Brain Council (EBC) has launched a new video series, “Science and Society”, to raise awareness of brain disorders and for those living with these conditions.
RETHINKING MS in Europe, offering tangible policy changes to improve the lives of people living with MS across Europe, went live during Brain Awareness Week On the occasion of the Brain Awareness Week (16-22 March 2020), the European Brain Council… Continue Reading
Meeting of WHO with EFNA, EAN and EBC to discuss brain health Report Objectives: Platform for all participants to present their ongoing work and discuss potential collaboration in the area of brain health Participants: European Academy of Neurology (EAN): Raad… Continue Reading
The first public event of the EBRA-project was held on 5 December 2019 in Brussels, Belgium.
The AD Detect and Prevent project, which is funded through Horizon 2020 and led by the Danish digital therapeutics company Brain+, aims to develop a robust digital tool for improving the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This integrated tool aims to first detect subtle cognitive signs associated with Alzheimer’s disease (before the possible emergence of clear symptoms) and to subsequently provide personalized intervention programmes that address risk factors connected to Alzheimer’s dementia.
In 2018, EBC launched a wide range of events, projects and advocacy initiatives aimed at promoting brain research and addressing the disease burden of mental and neurological conditions.
Science|Business is canvassing views on the big research priorities for the next term of the EU, from 2019 to 2024. Here, six policy experts discuss the most pressing items on the EU’s to-do list for health.
In the continuity of the Value of Treatment research activities, new case studies have been developed on new therapeutic areas. On March 26th, May 23rd and September 24th 2018, EBC in collaboration with the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) and the European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) launched a second round “VoT2” of case studies on Rare Neurological Disorders (RNDs) focusing upon Ataxia, Dystonia and Phenylketonuria
Publication on the roles of the medical profession and the industry on CME The BioMedical Alliance is a unique organisation representing 30 leading European medical societies (including EAN) that together represent more than 400,000 researchers and health professionals.
EBCOther News
News from EBC: publication integrating all voices in Spanish MS community released
May 1, 2019The publication “SumEMos: Análisis y propuestas para contribuir a normalizar la vida con EM” integrates all voices from the Multiple Sclerosis community in Spain. The document was released in the last weeks in conclusion of last year’s “SumEMos para normalizar la vida con EM” conference on 4 October. -
The European Brain Council launches its Election Manifesto for the 2019 European elections and calls on Members of the European Parliament to:
EBCOther News
News from European Brain Council: EBRA – European Brain Research Area project
April 1, 2019The EBRA project is an EU project coordinated by the European Brain Council (EBC), which launched on 1 November 2018. EBRA was designed to respond to the Horizon 2020 call, SC1-HCO-10-2018, entitled “Coordinating European brain research and developing global initiatives” and will create a catalysing initiative for brain research stakeholders (researchers, clinicians, patients, governments, funders and public institutions) to streamline and better co-ordinate brain research across Europe while fostering global initiatives. -
EBCOther News
News from EBC: Mood and Food: Exploring the gut-brain connection – 6th March 2019, Brussels
March 1, 2019EBC will hold the reception “Mood and Food: Exploring the gut-brain connection” in the European Parliament on the occasion of Brain Awareness Week (BAW) 2019. This year’s event, organized in cooperation with the European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB)… Continue Reading -
EAN and EBC to support the Marie Curie Proposal "HaPpY"