Grand Rounds
In the beginning there was an open invitation for written presentations of unsolved or controversial cases. Most case reports have then actually been obtained by active individual invitation to heads of departments across Europe, who have recruited their junior staff. Now, we accept that publishing “unsolved/ open cases” to help European neurologists without easy access to senior expertise in some particular field has not been accepted as an attractive option by our readers. Therefore we shall publish the good quality patient reports obtained till the end of 2013, and then stop with regular publications of case reports in 2014.
Nevertheless, Neuropenews remains open to neurologists if they propose an interesting unresolved neurologic case for discussion.
Please send your case to
Dear Readers, An interesting interactive case has been published in eBrain this month. It has been written by the Neurology, Neuroscience and Stroke Unit teams from UCL Belgium. Please, find below the abstract. To see the full case, please log-in via the EAN-website, and once you are on the eBrain page, go to “virtual patient cases”:
Ebrain is the largest and most comprehensive web-based training resource in clinical neurosciences, both for training and continuous professional development. Access is free for EAN members, and membership applications & individual passwords can be received via the EAN Head Office at
E-BrainGrand RoundsFeatured Slider
Ebrain granted Royal College of Physicians (UK) CPD/CME accreditation
July 1, 2016We are delighted to announce that ebrain has now been approved by the Royal College of Physicians (UK) for CPD/CME up to a maximum of 9 external points per annum. -
Disorders of the neuromuscular junction are relatively uncommon, but often misdiagnosed, especially at the onset of the disease. E-brain – the gold standard in interactive online learning for professionals in neurosciences contains comprehensive information about these disorders in the module… Continue Reading
Globally, infectious diseases remain a major cause of disability and death. Infections involving the nervous system carry a high morbidity and mortality, particularly in developing countries where the burden of these diseases is great, diagnosis is difficult and limited resources… Continue Reading
The eBbrain e-learning programme is a gold standard in interactive online learning tool for professionals in neuroscience. One of the most challenging fields of neurology is that of neuroinflammatory disorders, conditions were pathological immune responses damage components of the nervous… Continue Reading
eBbrain e-learning programme ( is a gold standard in interactive online learning tool for professionals in neuroscience. The vast majority of important neurological topics are already covered by eBrain. The others are in the process of developing. The module on… Continue Reading
Ebrain ( is the largest and most comprehensive web-based training resource in clinical neurosciences, both for training and continuous professional development. In the field of spinal diseases, eBrain offers lots of information regarding different aspects of spinal cord problems. Spinal… Continue Reading
Grand Rounds
eBrain Session of the Month: webcasts from the 1st EAN congress in Berlin
September 1, 2015Did you miss out on teaching courses you’d like to have attended at the first EAN congress in Berlin, June 2015?
Fear not – almost all are now also available for EAN members via the ebrain platform at In… Continue Reading -
Ebrain e-learning programme is a gold standard in interactive online learning for professionals in neurosciences. This exciting web-based learning resource is designed to support training and continuous professional development for clinical neuroscience trainees, consultants and non-specialists. Members of the EAN… Continue Reading
Ebrain e-learning programme is a gold standard in interactive online learning for professionals in neurosciences. This exciting web-based learning resource is designed to support training and continuous professional development for clinical neuroscience trainees, consultants and non-specialists. Members of the EAN… Continue Reading
Ebrain e-learning programme is a gold standard in interactive online learning for professionals in neurosciences. This exciting web-based learning resource is designed to support training and continuous professional development for clinical neuroscience trainees, consultants and non-specialists Stroke, a major public… Continue Reading
Grand Rounds
eBrain session of the month: Ethical issues in neurological palliative care
May 1, 2015Like it or not, difficult decisions are part of neurological life, irrespective of your speciality interest, and all of us need to be prepared to support and help people who’s conditions we can’t cure. If you didn’t catch it live… Continue Reading -
The 5th London-Innsbruck Colloquium on Status Epilpticus will be in London on 9-11th April, and is a reminder to all of the importance of this condition.
eBrain has specific sessions both on convulsive status epilepticus, and the less serious,… Continue Reading -
Movement disorders are very common worldwide, knowing no race or ethnic background. Movement disorders are common cause of disability especially in alder people. The 11th module of ebrain, edited by Naheed Khan covers the full spectrum of movement disorders. There… Continue Reading