Basic and Advanced Neuromuscular Ultrasound Course
September 19th – 22nd 2018, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
This course is concentrated on learning of the normal neuromuscular ultrasound anatomy of the upper and lower extremities and obtaining basic practical skills on neuromuscular… Continue Reading
EAN News
Here you will find news from the EAN as well as updates on their activities.
he Congress will begin each morning and afternoon with Plenary Sessions providing overviews of the phenomenology, pathophysiology, and current diagnostic and therapeutic strategies of various movement disorders. These sessions will be followed by Parallel Tracks, permitting participants to select specific diagnostic or therapeutic areas for more concentrated study.
EAN NewsEAN NewsResearchTop Articles
European Association of Nuclear Medicine and European Academy of Neurology recommendations for the use of brain 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in neurodegenerative cognitive impairment and dementia: Delphi consensus
July 10, 2018Despite its large use, recommendations for the use of brain F-18 FDG-PET in clinical practice were still lacking. The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) and the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) promoted a concerted action with 7 specialists from the two Societies and a group of facilitators in order to make the point on this issue. Extensive literature review and analysis of available data led, together with expert opinion (Delphi consensus), to deliver these recommendations that cover practically all the main brain neurodegenerative conditions causing cognitive impairment. -
EAN NewsEAN NewsTop Articles
EAN Task Force on a new EAN Guideline entitled ”Medical management issues in dementia”
July 4, 2018The Guideline will address important areas of dementia management where the medical doctor plays a pivotal role, which includes treatment of epilepsy in dementia, pain in dementia, treatment with antipsychotics in dementia, vascular risk factors in dementia and systematic medical follow-up in dementia. -
Practical Neuro-Ophthalmology Course 2018 June 22nd – 23rd 2018, Schloss Au, Switzerland The interactive course in practical Neuro-Ophthalmology is aimed at practicing for Ophthalmologists and Neurologists at all levels. It will cover the most relevant clinical problems of Neuro-Ophthalmology in… Continue Reading
Prof. G. Deuschl, President of the EAN and Prof. W. Wick President of EANO are pleased to announce that: EAN has joined with EANO to promote optimal management of neuro-oncological care in neurology in Europe.
Scientific plagiarism is defined as using or closely imitating scientific content from an original author without clear reference and/or authorization. Plagiarism can be complete or partial, in the original or translated version or limited to paraphrases of the original text. A textual repetition of one’s own work in subsequent submissions is considered self-plagiarism and should be avoided or at least accompanied by proper referencing to one’s prior work.
Sub-committee and working group chairs
Members of committees Are you eager to shape the future of Neurology in Europe in parallel to developing your professional standing and leadership skills? Following the formation of a new Executive Board of the EAN… Continue Reading -
EAN NewsEAN NewsTop Articles
Expression of interest to become Chair of the Education Committee or Chair of the Programme Committee
May 29, 2018Dear members of the EAN, following the election of 5 members of the EAN Executive Board in Lisbon this new Board will appoint the chair of the education committee and the chair of the program committee. We therefore solicit the… Continue Reading -
The democratic body of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) is the assembly of delegates, which acts as the parliament of the EAN. This assembly meets once a year, usually on Saturday, during the annual meeting. The 4 major… Continue Reading
The EAN established an office in Brussels located within the University Foundation a long time established institution founded in 1920 to promote scientific activity at Belgian universities. Over time, this scope was enlarged and the Foundation now hosts an important number of academic societies such as EAN, FENS - Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, EURORDIS – European Organisation for Rare Diseases, EPA – European Psychiatric association etc.
15. Colloquium Neurologicum Salzburg – Seltene Erkrankungen in der Neurologie (Rare Diseases in Neurology) May 24th – 25th 2018, Salzburg, Austria Main Topics: 1. National and global perspective of rare neurological diseases 2. Neurologic manifestations of systemic disorders 3. Rare… Continue Reading
The 2018 participants of the EAN Tournament for Neurologists in training will receive a travel grant, free congress registration and up to four nights’ of hotel accommodation for the Lisbon Congress: Tournament 1 – Basic neurology Sunday, 17 June, 2018… Continue Reading
62. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung (DGKN) March 15th – 17th 2018, Berlin, Germany The DGKN conference offers a state of the art regarding clinical neurophysiology and functional imaging on a scientific basis presented… Continue Reading
EAN signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Alzheimer Europe. Alzheimer Europe aims at providing a voice to people with dementia and their carers, at making dementia a European priority and promote a rights-based approach to dementia. The organisation also supports… Continue Reading