Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Education is one of the major priorities for the EAN, and the Society offers several opportunities.
Over the last years, the educational program at the EAN annual Congresses has been increasingly articulated in different formats (traditional Teaching Courses, Hands-on-Courses, Interactive Sessions including the EAN Brain Challenge, Case-based Workshops, Controversies, and Career Development Sessions) in order to better fit with the multifaceted aspects of Clinical Neurology.
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Paper of the MonthEAN NewsFeatured Slider
Paper of the month: Stem cell transplantation vs continued disease-modifying therapy in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
March 1, 2019For March 2019, we have selected: Burt RK Balabanov, MD Burman J, et al. Effect of nonmyeloablative haematopoietic stem cell transplantation vs continued disease-modifying therapy on disease progression in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. JAMA 2019;321(2):165-174. Stem cells are a highly topical research area in clinical neurology. Approaches vary from attempts at nerve regeneration to exploitation of immunological effects. -
EAN NewsCountry of the MonthTop ArticlesFeatured Slider
Country of the month: United Kingdom
March 1, 2019The United Kingdom (UK) is noted for its diverse and varied populace with approximately 66 million people living in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland- which together make up the UK. Giants Causeway Northern Ireland The earliest place of medical training in Britain was in 1123 at St Bartholomew's Hospital and the first formal medical school was Edinburgh University in 1726. Currently, we have 33 medical schools: 25 in England, five in Scotland, two in Wales and one in Northern Ireland. There are currently 6,000 medical students who graduate each year, which will rise to 7,500 by 2025. -
Executive PageEAN NewsFeatured Slider
Executive Page: the EAN Communication Committee – our visions and goals
February 1, 2019Dear colleagues and friends, I am writing to convey my very best wishes and sincere thanks to all, as we have wrapped up an eventful year and have shifted our momentum to the challenges that lie ahead: 2019. The past 12 months have been marked by noteworthy achievement and change. As we all reflect on the past year, I think that we have many reasons to look forward with enthusiasm toward what has yet to come. -
Paper of the MonthEAN NewsFeatured Slider
Paper of the month: No benefit from hypothermia after severe traumatic brain injury
February 1, 2019For February 2019, we have selected: Cooper DJ, Nichol AD, Balley M, et al. for the POLAR Trial Investigators and the ANZICS Clinical Trial Group. Effect of early sustained prophylactic hypothermia on neurologic outcomes among patients with severe traumatic brain injury. JAMA 2018;320:2211-2220. -
Dear colleagues and friends, the weeks before the change of the year usually serve not only to accomplish the last pending tasks but also to reflect on the past 12 months and to think about what lies ahead. I probably have this in common with many of you who profit from some slowing down of work during the holiday season as everyone is busy preparing for Christmas and the turn of the year invites to look back and to make new plans.
Paper of the MonthEAN NewsFeatured Slider
Paper of the month: Influence of the appendix in Parkinson’s disease
January 1, 2019For January 2019, we have selected: Killinger BA, Madaj Z, Sikora JW, et al. The vermiform appendix impacts the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Sci Transl Med 2018,10:1-15. -
The Czech Republic is situated in Central Europe and covers an area of 78,866 square kilometres. It is a unitary parliamentary republic hosting 10.6 million inhabitants. Prague is the capital and largest city with 1.3 million residents.
Executive PageEAN NewsFeatured Slider
Executive Page: Season’s Greetings from the EAN Board
December 1, 2018Dear EAN members, Dear colleagues and friends, the political landscape across Europe and around the world is currently quite shaky and experiences a lot of turmoil, confrontation and egocentric behaviour. In this situation it is comforting that the “Neurological World“ does not follow this dissolution but rather moves in the opposite direction. There is increasing readiness for close collaboration and efforts to join forces among scientific societies and these synergies are critical for convincing decision makers of the benefits of supporting health research and other measures which help to assure the well-being of Europe’s population in the future. -
Paper of the MonthEAN NewsFeatured Slider
Paper of the month: Erenumab in preventive treatment-resistant episodic migraine
December 1, 2018For December 2018, we have selected: Reuter U, Goadsby PJ, Lanteri-Minet M, et al. Efficacy and tolerability of erenumab in patients with episodic migraine in whom two-to-four previous preventive treatments were unsuccessful: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3b study. Lancet Neurol 22 October, 2018. -
Denmark is placed in Northern Europe and is one of the three Scandinavian countries. The population is 5.7 million and Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is by far the largest city with a population of 1.3 million. Denmark has a total area of 42.924 km2 (16.573 sq mi).
Dear Colleagues, I hope that you are all looking forward to the 2019 EAN congress in Oslo, and that you are planning abstracts to submit! On October the 16th I attended an inspection visit of the congress venue, along with Franz Fazekas our president, Erik Tauboll chair of the local organizing committee, members of the EAN office team and representatives from Industry partners that are sponsoring our congress.
Paper of the MonthEAN NewsFeatured Slider
Paper of the month: Intrathecal stem cells for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
November 1, 2018For November 2018, we have selected: Oh KW, Noh MY, Kwon NS, et al. Repeated intrathecal stem cells for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Ann Neurol 2018;84:361-373. Stem cell research is a hot topic in motor neuron disease/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (MND/ALS) both for clinicians and patients. Whilst recognized as an important area of promise for developing future therapeutics in neurodegenerative disease, it has been much hyped in the media, and dissecting the scientific research on the subject from the many unproven approaches advertised to patients by commercially motivated companies can be challenging. -
Bulgaria is located in the Southeast of Europe, in the northeast part of the Balkan Peninsula, bordering the Black Sea. It occupies an area of 111,000 km² and it is a European, Balkan, Black Sea and Danube country. Bulgaria is a parliamentary republic with a population of 7.15 million people. Bulgaria’s first constitution was adopted in 1879 and was one of the most democratic constitutions of its time despite the previous almost five centuries of destroyed statehood.
Executive PageEAN NewsFeatured Slider
Executive Page: A team to face the challenges ahead
October 1, 2018Dear EAN-Members, Dear colleagues and friends, I hope that you all had a wonderful and relaxing summer, and that you have regained the energy needed for being successfully back to work after vacation. I always enjoy when the speed and intensity of daily activities reduce a little over summer, and I am sure that such times are also important for rethinking projects, developing new ideas, and enhancing our creativity.