The European Journal of Neurology continues to attract a considerable number of original submissions, and can only publish approximately 15% of those received. Articles cover a broad range of clinical and scientific topics within neurology, but the proportion of articles on a disease area generally corresponds to its prevalence.
Eur J Neurol
Here you will find latest news on the European Journal of Neurology.
Eur J Neurol
European Journal of Neurology – FREE Access to ALL European Journal of Neurology Reviews
December 28, 2016Do not miss the highly popular Reviews and Invited Reviews published regularly in the European Journal of Neurology. Herewith the latest Reviews: -
Please find two articles from Latvian authors that were published in the Europena Journal of Neurology
The Virtual Issue is a collection of leading research coming from North America, published in European Journal of Neurology.
As you may have seen the NEW Guideline: EAN guidelines on central neurostimulation therapy in chronic pain conditions has just been published in the October issue
Eur J Neurol
New EAN guidelines on central neurostimulation therapy for chronic pain
September 29, 2016Cruccu G, Garcia-Larrea L, Hansson P, Keindl M, Lefaucheur JP, Paulus W, Taylor R, Tronnier V, Truini A, Attal N. EAN guidelines on central neurostimulation therapy in chronic pain conditions. Eur J Neurol. 2016 Aug 11. Why these guidelines ?… Continue Reading -
See the Latest Reviews – FREE for limited period
Gut microbiota in early pediatric multiple sclerosis: a case-control study Chronic periodontitis is associated with lacunar infarct: a case-control study A population-based study comparing multiple sclerosis clinic users and non-users in British Columbia, Canada Ongoing impairments following transient ischaemic attack: a retrospective cohort study
Eur J NeurolInterviewsFeatured Slider
Video interview with Prof. A. Schapira editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Neurology
July 1, 2016By Elena Moro Video interview with Prof. A. Schapira editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Neurology was last modified: August 1st, 2016 by Editor… Continue Reading -
European Journal of Neurology Performs Well in 2015 Impact Factor Rankings
The official journal of the European Academy of Neurology
FREE China Virtual Issue Read articles from leading Chinese authors
All associate individual members of the 47 neurological societies that belong to the EAN are eligible to receive FREE online access to European Journal of Neurology (the official journal of the EAN).
EAN NewsEur J Neurol
European Journal of Neurology Publishes Open Access Articles – See the latest:
March 1, 2016The effect of pedunculopontine nucleus deep brain stimulation on postural sway and vestibular perception -
Education cornerEur J Neurol
European Journal of Neurology: CME article February 2016
February 1, 2016The new CME article February 2016: “Clinical dissection of childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut and prognostic implication” by A. Verrotti et. al. is online now!