Fellowship project: Clinico-pathological correlations in FTD: a study in the Dutch population
Fellowship reports
Reports from Clinical and Research Fellowship awardees
Read reports from two fellows who completed their fellowships in FRance in 2019 and 2020.
EAN NewsFellowship reportsCOVID-19Top Articles
COVID-19 – RRFS representative report: Switzerland
April 27, 2020Please tell us about your experience with the current COVID-19 Pandemic in your hospital? As in most hospitals, the current pandemic has had a significant impact on how the hospital is operated. The Department of Neurology was organised according to… Continue Reading -
I would like to express my immense gratitude to the European Academy of Neurology for granting me a 12-month research training fellowship. This gave me the opportunity to join the Clinical Neuroimmunology Lab at the University of Basel, under the supervision of Prof. Derfuss. It has been a great honour for me to work in one of the leading multiple sclerosis research groups.
Being an EAN Research Fellow gave me the privilege to work in Prof. Tara Spires-Jones’ Lab in The University of Edinburgh, who is a pioneer in the field of synaptic degeneration in neurodegenerative conditions and healthy aging. I worked in the lab for more than a year, carrying out the research project entitled ‘Investigating degeneration of inhibitory circuits in Alzheimer’s disease brain’. It has been an exceptional scientific and personal experience that will have a profound influence on my future career.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the European Academy of Neurology for having granted my research training Fellowship at the Neurodegeneration Imaging Group (NIG; www.nig-politis.com), based at the Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s College London, UK. The NIG is headed by Professor Marios Politis, who is leading expert in the field of neuroimaging in neurodegenerative diseases.
I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to the European Academy of Neurology for having granted me a research experience fellowship at the Epilepsy Unit in Timone Hospital, Marseille supervised by Professor Fabrice Bartolomei.
Fellowship reportsEducation cornerEducationUncategorized
Clinical Fellowship winners 2020
January 8, 2020The objective of the “Clinical Fellowship Programme” is to provide a well-defined clinical observational experience in a department with recognised expertise in a specific field. With this programme, neurologists that are still in the process of training, or recently qualified and setting up a new service/practice can learn from observing the usual practice in that department, including any or all of clinical practice, service structures or specific techniques conducted in the Hosting Department for a duration of 6 weeks. -
Research Fellowship winners 2020 It is a great pleasure to introduce the recipients of the Research Fellowship 2020 (in alphabetical order): Research Training Fellowship:
Marianthi Breza from Greece was selected for her project: “On the TRAIL of neurodegeneration: a… Continue Reading
Resident and Research FellowsFellowship reportsEducation
Clinical Fellowship Reports 2019 – December
December 1, 2019You can find further details on the Clinical Fellowship page on the EAN website. -
Resident and Research FellowsFellowship reportsEducation
Clinical Fellowship Reports 2019 – November
November 1, 2019Below are three reports from those who took part in the EAN clincial Fellowships in 2019. Keep visitng EANpages over the next months to read more reports from other particpants from 2019. -
EAN NewsFellowship reportsScientific Corner
Personal experience of being a fellow of the EAN Guideline Production Group
October 14, 2019Clinical practice guidelines are a bridge between scientific evidence and real-world practice. This is the main reason why I decided to advance my background experience (in epidemiology, systematic reviews and meta-analyses), by working on guidelines. Because Neurology is my main… Continue Reading
Here are the first thress reports from those who took part in the EAN clincial Fellowships in 2019. Keep visitng EANpages over the next months to read more reports from other particpants from 2019.
It was a great honor for me to be awarded with the European Academy of Neurology Research Experience Fellowship. During my Fellowship I was for six months (January 2019 to June 2019) at the Department of Neurology, St. Josef-Hospital, Ruhr University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany to perform the project “Transorbital Sonography in patients with Optic Neuritis”.
Resident and Research FellowsFellowship reportsEducation cornerEducation
Research Fellowship Application Deadline: 31 August 2019
August 1, 2019The purpose is to support training and experience for European Neurologists in any area of basic or clinical or applied research in neuroscience. The research work must be carried out at a European academic neurological department outside the country of residence. All applications should demonstrate experience/training of clear value to the home department/individual beyond that available in their own countries/institutions.