This year, at the annual hospital visit of the Resident and Research Fellow Section (RRFS) of the European Academy of Neurology, nearly 80 resident and research fellows visited to the Neurology Department of the Rikshospitalet, organized with the support of Dr. Silje Bjerknes, local resident and PhD candidate.
Resident and Research Fellows
Resident and Research FellowsEAN Congress newsTop Articles
EAN 2019: RRFS General Assembly
July 2, 2019Oslo hosted the general assembly of the resident and research fellow section (RRFS) of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) during the 5th annual congress. The assembly received a broad participation from RRFS members who were interested in gaining insight into the annual report as well as the new Treasurer elections. -
Resident and Research FellowsEAN Congress newsTop Articles
Oslo 2019: RRFS Special Session – Round table discussion
July 2, 2019This year’s „Round table discussion” of the EAN Resident and Research Fellow Section (RRFS) was performed for the first time in form of two controversial topics with a “podium” discussion. The discussion was performed in a rather informal and open way between two experts providing a thorough discussion including pro and contra arguments based on individual experience as well as facts, allowing participants to ask questions in general as well as specific to their own situation and request advice. -
From 17-18 May took place, in Munich, the first Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes Course. The course was organized by Professor Günter Höglinger, from Munch Technische Universität and Professor Gregor Wenning from Innsbruck University.
EAN NewsEAN NewsResident and Research FellowsEducation
Second Joint-Workshop European Academy of Neurology – Resident and Research Fellow Section (EAN-RRFS) & Italian Association of Young Neurologists
May 17, 2019The second joint-workshop of the European Academy of Neurology - Resident and Research Fellow Section (EAN-RRFS) national representatives network was held in collaboration with the Italian association of young neurologists on the 2nd and 3rd of March 2019 in Rome, Italy. -
News from EAN member societiesResident and Research FellowsEducationOther News
Interdisciplinary Sleep Wake and Chronobiology Workshop
April 1, 2019The Swiss Young Sleep Wake Chronobiology Network (SYSWCN) was founded in 2016, as part of the Swiss Society for Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine, and Chronobiology (SSSSC). The SYSWCN is very interdisciplinary organised and aims to connect young researchers and clinicians within Switzerland independent of their subfield, background, or clinical speciality -
News from EAN member societiesResident and Research FellowsEducationMultidisciplinary
National conference of Italian young neurologists
April 1, 2019Now in its third edition, the national conference of Italian young neurologists is one of the cornerstones of the congressional calendar for Italian residents in Neurology. -
Resident and Research FellowsEducation
MDS-ES 8th Winter School for Young Neurologists
March 1, 2019MDS-ES 8th Winter School for Young Neurologists at King’s College in London Almost 50 young neurologists and neurology residents from all over the world gathered in London from 7-9 February for the 8th Movement Disorder Society (MDS) Winter School for young neurologists. This well-attended and lively event featured two-and-half days of presentations, focused clinical examination rounds, video sessions and debate, driven by plenary sessions and two parallel workshops. -
Resident and Research FellowsEducation
EAN Resident and Research Fellow Section (RRFS) national representatives’ network
February 1, 2019by RRFS Officers Anna Sauerbier, Giovanni Di Liberto, Vanessa Carvalho, Lisa Klingelhoefer In 2016, the European Academy of Neurology – Resident and Research Fellow Section (EAN-RRFS) started a new initiative called “EAN-RRFS national representatives” to… Continue Reading
Resident and Research FellowsEducation
Residents and research fellow section – current members
December 1, 2018EAN-RRFS was founded in 2016 and we are delighted to report an impressive increase of colleagues who joined the European Academy of Neurology – Residents and research fellow section (EAN-RRFS)! -
Resident and Research FellowsEducation
Activities of Resident and Research Fellow Section (RRFS) during the 4th Congress of the EAN
May 2, 2018Join us at the RRFS booth During the conference, RRFS members will be available at the LEARN and HOME area of the EAN booth in order to provide up-to-date information about membership, travel/EBN grants and other conference activities. … Continue Reading -
Become a member of the Resident and Research Fellow Section of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN-RRFS) and gain access to exclusive member benefits.
Resident and Research FellowsEducation
1st Joint-Workshop of the European Academy of Neurology – Residents and Research Fellows Section (EAN-RRFS) & the Swiss Association of Young Neurologists (SAYN)
April 1, 2018Two years ago, the European Academy of Neurology – Residents and Research Fellows Section (EAN-RRFS) started a new initiative called “junior national representatives network” to establish a team of junior national representatives within the EAN-RRFS. The main aim is to enable closer links between the European countries in order to facilitate the speed of information flow, exchange experiences, and learn from each other. -
Resident and Research FellowsEducation cornerEducation
RRFS Report: Annual Meeting of French young neurologists and neurology residents in Paris
March 1, 2018This year the conference of French neurology residents and young neurologists (“Les journées des Jeunes Neurologues et de la Recherche Clinique, les J2N”) took place in Paris, France, on February 2-3. -
EAN NewsResident and Research Fellows
RRFS – new membership criteria and membership fee
October 2, 2017During the general assembly of the Resident and Research Fellow Section (RRFS) on June 26, 2017 it was concluded that an update of the RRFS membership criteria was needed. Many neurologists in training across Europe conduct a postgraduate degree such as Master or MD or PhD program after their residency and these people should still be eligible as RRFS members until 3 years since their latest degree as we believe the RRFS section is relevant for them during this period.