I am really grateful to the European Academy of Neurology for having granted my training research fellowship at the Department of Clinical Neurosciences of the University of Cambridge. During the final year of my residency in Neurology at the Sapienza University of Rome, I had the great honour to join the research group of Professor Mariagrazia Spillantini, who discovered - in 1997 - the presence of alpha-synuclein in Lewy bodies, the pathological hallmarks of Parkinson’s Disease.
Fellowship reports
Reports from Clinical and Research Fellowship awardees
Petr Mikulenka, MD, from Prgaue, Czechia Fellowship Term: 18.06 - 27.07.2018 Hosting department: Department of Neurology, Atkinson Morley Wing, St George’s Hospital, Blackshaw Road, Tooting, London SW17 0QT Supervisor: Dr. Anthony Pereira, Consultant Neurologist
Alexandra Crisan, MD, from Gheorgheni, Romania Term of the stay: 16.07. – 27.08.2018 Hosting Department: University of Debrecen, Department of Neurology, 4032 Debrecen, Móricz Zs. krt. 22, Hungary. Supervisor: Prof. László Csiba First I would like to start thanking EAN for having provided me with this wonderful opportunity to participate in the Clinical Fellowship Programme, 2018. Thanks to the award I was able to spend six valuable weeks in the Department of Neurology, University of Debrecen, Hungary. The experience I have gained under the precious guidance of my mentor, Professor Csiba László, in the field of cerebrovascular diseases, have led me to one of the most memorable and fruitful experiences in my professional career.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the European Academy of Neurology for having granted me a training research fellowship at the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences at University of Oxford.
Reports from the view of the visitor.
The objective of the “Clinical Fellowship Programme” is to provide a well-defined clinical observational experience in a department with recognised expertise in a specific field.
Reports from the view of the visitor.
It is a great pleasure to introduce the recipients of the Research Fellowship 2019 (in alphabetical order):
Alshimaa Othman, MD, Cairo, Egypt Term of the stay: 16.4. – 28.9.2018 Hosting department:
Department of Neuroscience. Neurology Unit, Nuovo Ospedale Civile Sant’Agostino Estense,
via Giardini, 1355, 41126 Modena, Italy Supervisor : Prof. Stefano Meletti I would like to express… Continue Reading -
by Amaia Muñoz Lopetegi I am truly satisfied with the fellowship experience, which has been absolutely enriching for my professional and personal development as a neurologist, both in the clinical side and in research. I am quite happy with… Continue Reading
Manel Ben Hmidene Ep Tezeghdenti, Ben Arous, Tunisia Term of the stay: 6 weeks
Fellowship reportsEducationTop Articles
Research Training Fellowship 2017 – report by Houyam Tibar
August 1, 2018I would like to state my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the European Academy of Neurology for having granted me the research-training fellowship for 12 months at Prof. Benazzouz Abdelhamid’s research group, at the Institute of Neurodegenerative disease, Bordeaux University, France. -
Fellowship reportsEducation
Research Experience Fellowship 2017 – report by Katarzyna Smilowska
August 1, 2018I would like to express my gratitude to the European Academy of Neurology for awarding me with research-experience fellowship at Prof. Bastiaan Bloem’s research group at the Department of Neurology, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. -
The purpose I defined for my internship was to learn pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and treatment of a large spectrum of neuroimmunological diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.
Report from Dr Gosewina Cornelia Horlings, from Bennekom, The Netherlands visiting the Department of Neurology, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck, Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Anichstraße 35, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria under the supervision of Prof. Werner Poewe and Atbin Djamshidian, MD