For the month of May, the eanCampus is highlighting the topic of headache. Throughout this month, several pieces of content are freely accessible for you to enjoy, as well as our weekly Podcast eanCast: Weekly Neurology, with a new episode every Monday.
eLearningEAN NewsEducation cornerEducation
Call for Applications: Observing Editors for the e-Learning Editorial Board
April 11, 2024The European Academy of Neurology is looking for Observing Editors support the Editor-in-Chief in developing, communicating, and constantly adapting the publication strategy of the eanCampus for a two-year term. -
We are delighted to announce that the EAN’s eLearning platform - the eanCampus - has won eLearning Journal’s eLearning Award 2024 in the category ‘gamification’.
For April, the eanCampus is highlighting the topic of movement disorders. Throughout this month, several pieces of content are freely accessible for you to enjoy, as well as our weekly podcast, eanCast: Weekly Neurology, with a new episode every Monday.
eLearningEAN NewsResident and Research FellowsEducation cornerEducation
Learning with the EAN: we provide the path, you make the move!
January 12, 2024Ahead of the International Day of Education on 24 January, Education Committee Chair, Irena Rektorova and eanCampus Editor-in-Chief, Barbara Tettenborn take a look at the EAN’s many activities in the field of education. -
Begin your new year with podcasts and selected highlighted content on the eanCampus. For the month of January, we are highlighting the topic of stroke with a selection of content made freely available for you.
To end the year, cozy up at home with a warm blanket and our weekly podcasts, as well as more highlights on the eanCampus.
eLearningEAN NewsTop Articles
Call for Applications: e-Learning Platform Associate Editors
November 7, 2023The Board of the European Academy of Neurology is inviting applications for the position of Associate Editor of the eanCampus e-Learning platform. -
After a relaxing summer break, kick off Autumn with more podcasts, webinars, and selected highlights on the eanCampus.
eLearningBrain HealthEAN NewsTop Articles
World Brain Day with the European Academy of Neurology
July 21, 2023World Brain Day is an annual event observed on July 22, aimed at promoting awareness and education for neurological disorders that affect individuals worldwide. In 2023, a key focus of World Brain Day is on Brain Health and Disability. It… Continue Reading -
eLearningEAN Congress newsEducation corner
New eanCampus content especially for EAN 2023
June 30, 2023Especially for EAN 2023, we have prepared a selection of four new Interactive Modules, one new Guideline, and 13 new Interactive Cases in a range of Scientific Topics! -
We are proud to announce that the eanCampus has been awarded both the 2023 Comenius-EduMedia-Seal und 2023 Comenius-EduMedia-Medal for excellence in e-Learning!
eLearningEducation corner
One year of the eanCampus – An Interview with the e-Learning Editorial Board
June 27, 2023One year after launch, we sat down with the EAN e-Learning Editorial Board to discuss their opinions about the platform. -
In April, we are focusing on the sub-specialty of neuroimaging. Several webcasts and an interactive case have been made freely available, in addition to the four weekly podcast episodes highlighting the topic.
eLearningBrain HealthEducation corner
Keep your mind sharp with free content on Brain Health through the eanCampus!
March 13, 2023The eanCampus is happy to support brain science by participating in Brain Awareness Week (March 13-19) for the month of March! All content on Brain Health on the eanCampus has been made open access, and multiple episodes of eanCast: Weekly Neurology will focus on the topic.