We are proud to announce that the eanCampus has been awarded both the 2023 Comenius-EduMedia-Seal und 2023 Comenius-EduMedia-Medal for excellence in e-Learning!
Education corner
Here we are posting information related to educational activities organised by the EAN but also by partner societies.
Resident and Research FellowsEducation corner
Leadership Programme – Successful Applicants for 2023
June 28, 2023The EAN Education Committee is happy to announce the selection of candidates for the first round of the new Leadership Programme 2023. -
EAN Congress newsEducation corner
The Brain Challenge 2023 – where education meets entertainment
June 27, 2023The 6th edition of the EAN's very own entertaining and challenging Neurology Quiz is back for participants onsite and online alike. Don’t miss it! -
eLearningEducation corner
One year of the eanCampus – An Interview with the e-Learning Editorial Board
June 27, 2023One year after launch, we sat down with the EAN e-Learning Editorial Board to discuss their opinions about the platform. -
EAN NewsResident and Research FellowsEducation corner
EAN Mentorship Programme – workshop at EAN 2023 in Budapest
June 27, 2023All neurologists interested in learning more about mentorship are invited to join this highly informative and interactive workshop at EAN 2023, hosted by two members of the EAN Mentorship Task Force. -
Student CornerFellowship reportsEducation corner
Student Teaser Fellowship reports 2022 – Geneva, Basel & Salzburg
June 14, 2023Read the latest three reports on EAN Student Teaser Fellowships that took place in 2022. Find out how our future neurologists got on in their chosen departments. -
With great pleasure we report from our 24th EAN Spring School 2023, held once more in the beautiful venue of Steinschaler Dörfl in Lower Austria.
Resident and Research FellowsFellowship reportsEducation corner
Clinical Fellowship Reports 2022: London & Brussels
June 5, 2023Reports from two EAN Clinical Fellowship participants on their experiences in London & Brussels. -
Resident and Research FellowsFellowship reportsEducation corner
Clinical Fellowship Reports 2022: Copenhagen & Dresden
May 4, 2023Reports from two EAN Clinical Fellowship participants on their experiences in Copenhagen and Dresden. -
Resident and Research FellowsFellowship reportsEducation corner
Research Fellowship Report 2022 – Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon, France
May 4, 2023Report on an EAN Research Fellowship at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon, France. -
Resident and Research FellowsFellowship reportsEducation corner
Research Fellowship Report 2022 – Department of Neuropathology, Amsterdam UMC
May 4, 2023Report on an EAN Research Fellowship at the Department of Neuropathology, Amsterdam UMC. -
Resident and Research FellowsFellowship reportsEducation corner
Research Fellowship Report 2022 – Computational Neuroscience Group, UPF Barcelona
May 4, 2023Report on an EAN Research Fellowship at the Computational Neuroscience Group, UPF Barcelona. -
In April, we are focusing on the sub-specialty of neuroimaging. Several webcasts and an interactive case have been made freely available, in addition to the four weekly podcast episodes highlighting the topic.
Resident and Research FellowsFellowship reportsEducation corner
Clinical Fellowship Reports 2022: Paris & London
April 7, 2023Reports from two EAN Clinical Fellowship participants on their experiences in Paris and London. -
Resident and Research FellowsFellowship reportsEducation corner
Clinical Fellowship Reports 2022: Tel Aviv & Innsbruck
April 7, 2023Reports from two EAN Clinical Fellowship participants on their experiences in Tel Aviv and Innsbruck.