David B. Vodušek (DBV): Can you tell us about your training and how you ended up looking after neurological patients with uro-neurological symptoms?
David B. Vodušek (DBV): Can you tell us about your training and how you ended up looking after neurological patients with uro-neurological symptoms?
Clare J Fowler (CJF): My early training included neurology at a junior level, but when it came to choosing a career path I was advised to pursue clinical neurophysiology, on the grounds that it could be a 'suitable' job for a woman with children. Furthermore, there was a UK shortage of consultant neurophysiologists.
Here we publish interviews and/or “colloquia” with opinion leaders operating within or outside neurological borders, but in close connection with the EAN objectives, perspectives and goals. These INTERVIEWS are designed to give to our readers a deeper knowledge on the kind of work and activities that are running on in international organisations, such as WHO and in professional focused scientific societies, and so on.
the understanding or treatment of MS. David B. Vodušek (DBV): Can you tell us about your training and how you ended up looking after neurological patients with MS and pursuing research in MS? Per Soelberg Sorensen (PSS): When I was a young doctor, I was fascinated by neurology because of the way the neurologist would deduct where the lesion in the nervous system was located based on the history and objective examination. This was before the appearance of scanners.
InterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Mary Reilly – President of the Peripheral Nerve society (PNS)
July 7, 2017eter Van den Bergh (PVdB): Peripheral neuropathies are common neurological disorders. In the annual EAN congresses, they are an important topic which the Scientific Panel Neuropathies strives to integrate in the scientific and in the educational Program. I would like to introduce the Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS) of which you are the president to the EANpages readership. Can you please explain what the PNS stands for and what its objectives and aims are to the readers of the EANpages? Mary Reilly (MR): The Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS) is an international organisation of physicians and scientists working together to develop and provide the best treatments for people who have peripheral nerve diseases. -
As in the previous year, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Amsterdam 2017. Please find their answers below! Hermann Stefan, speaker at Special Session 3… Continue Reading
InterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. Bernard Uitdehaag Co-Chair of the EAN Programme Committee of the 3rd Congress of the EAN
June 1, 2017Franz Fazekas (FF): Dear Prof. Uitdehaag, the 3rd Congress of the EAN will bring 6000 neurologists to Amsterdam. How do you and the Dutch neurological community feel about hosting Europe’s major neurological scientific event of the year? Bernard Uitdehaag (BU): We are excited that the EAN congress will be held in Amsterdam in June this year. As a president of the Netherlands Society of Neurology, I was involved in releasing a bid for the organization of an EAN congress a couple of years ago. -
InterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. Paul Boon Chair of the EAN Programme Committee of the 3rd Congress of the EAN
June 1, 2017Franz Fazekas (FF): Dear Prof. Boon, as Chair of the Programme Committee of the 3rd Congress of the EAN, can you briefly illustrate the overarching theme and structure of the programme that you and your colleagues have put together? Paul Boon (PB): The overarching theme chosen for the Amsterdam congress is "Outcome measures in neurology". There are many reasons why this theme was chos -
EAN Congress newsInterviewsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: Which session you should not miss…
June 1, 2017As in the previous year, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Amsterdam 2017. Please find their answers below! Mark Braschinsky , speaker at the Case… Continue Reading -
EAN Congress newsInterviewsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: Which session you should not miss…
May 15, 2017As in the previous years, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Lisbon 2018. Please find their answers below! -
EAN Congress newsInterviewsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: Which session you should not miss…
May 1, 2017As in the previous years, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Lisbon 2018. Please find their answers below! -
InterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. Victor Dubowitz President of the World Muscle Society (WMS)
May 1, 2017Marianne de Visser (MdV): Neuromuscular diseases are an important topic on our annual congresses, both in the Scientific and in the Educational Program. Therefore we would like to introduce the World Muscle Society of which you are the founding father to the EANpages readership. Can you please briefly illustrate the WMS and its goals to the readers of the EANpages? Victor Dubowitz (VD): In March 1995 I met up with Giovanni Nigro and Luciano Merlini in Bologna to discuss the formation of a new international society dedicated to neuromuscular diseases. -
InterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. H. Madersbacher President of the International Neuro-Urology Society (INUS)
April 1, 2017David Vodušek (DV): Can you briefly illustrate the structure and mission of the International Neuro-Urology Society (INUS) to the EANpages readers? H. Madersbacher (HM): The International Neuro‐Urology Society (INUS) is a charitable, non‐for‐profit organization with the aim of promoting worldwide the clinical care of patients with neuro‐urological problems by raising awareness for Neuro-Urology and to increase its visibility. -
EAN Congress newsInterviewsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: Which session you should not miss…
April 1, 2017As in the previous year, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Amsterdam 2017. Please find their answers below! -
InterviewsTop Articles
Interview with Prof. Bengt Winblad President of the European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium (EADC)
March 1, 2017Gunhild Waldemar (GW): The ageing European population and the steep rise in people affected by Alzheimer’s Disease bring the EADC at the forefront of scientific research. Can you briefly introduce the EADC and its structure to the readers of EANpages? Bengt Winblad (BW): The EADC (European Alzheimer Disease Consortium) is a fully functional network of 66 European centres of clinical and biomedical research excellence, working and leading innovative research in the field of AD and related dementias (www.eadc.info). -
EAN Congress newsInterviewsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: Which session you should not miss…
March 1, 2017As in the previous year, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Amsterdam 2017. Please find their answers below! -
EAN Congress newsInterviewsTop Articles
Amsterdam 2017: Which session you should not miss…
February 1, 2017As in the previous year, EANpages asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, and invited speakers which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Amsterdam 2017. Please find their answers below!