Gian Luigi Lenzi: How does it feel to be the chair of the EAN Liaison Committee? What is your main message to the European community?
Here we publish interviews and/or “colloquia” with opinion leaders operating within or outside neurological borders, but in close connection with the EAN objectives, perspectives and goals. These INTERVIEWS are designed to give to our readers a deeper knowledge on the kind of work and activities that are running on in international organisations, such as WHO and in professional focused scientific societies, and so on.
Gian Luigi Lenzi: How does it feel to be the EAN Member at Large? What is your message to the European neurological community?
Anthony Schapira, Editor in Chief, European Journal of Neurology interviews Gian Luigi Lenzi, Editor in Chief, Neuropenews
Anthony Schapira (AS): Dear Gian Luigi, what are your reflections on the highlights of your participation in the EFNS? Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL):… Continue Reading
The EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Subcommittees aim at coordinating different facets of clinical research and good neurological practice at a European level. They will play a very important role in the European Academy of Neurology – EAN. We invited… Continue Reading
Professor Ersin Tan is President of the Turkish Neurological Society and works at the Hacettepe University Medical School, Department of Neurology in Ankara.
Interview with the chairpersons of the EFNS Scientist panel “Genetics & metabolic disorders” and the ENS Sub-committee “Clinical neurogenetics”
May 1, 2014The EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Subcommittees aim at coordinating different facets of clinical research and good neurological practice at European level. They will play a very important role in the European Academy of Neurology – EAN. We invited the… Continue Reading -
As in previous issues, Neuropenews asked EFNS/ENS committee members, Panel chairs, Speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Istanbul, June 2014. You will find the answers below …
Martin Rossor is Professor of Neurology, Vice-Chair, JPND Scientific Advisory Board and Past President of the Association of British Neurologists
Interview with the chairpersons of the EFNS Scientist panel / ENS Sub-committee “Muscle and neuromuscular junction disorders”
April 1, 2014The EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Subcommittees aim at coordinating different facets of clinical research and good neurological practice at European level. They will play a very important role in the European Academy of Neurology – EAN. We invited the… Continue Reading -
As in previous issues, Neuropenews asked EFNS/ENS committee members, Panel chairs, Speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Istanbul, June 2014. You will find the answers below …
Dr. Vicenzini is the Chairperson of the next which actually is the 19th Congress of the European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics (ESNCH) in Rome
Interview with the chairperson of the EFNS Scientist panel on Palliative care and neurology
March 1, 2014The EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Subcommittees aim at coordinating different facets of clinical research and good neurological practice at European level. They will play a very important role in the European Academy of Neurology – EAN. We invited the… Continue Reading -
Interview with the chairperson of the EFNS Scientist panel on Critical Care
March 1, 2014The EFNS Scientist Panels and ENS Subcommittees aim at coordinating different facets of clinical research and good neurological practice at European level. They will play a very important role in the European Academy of Neurology – EAN. We invited the… Continue Reading -
As in previous issues, Neuropenews asked EFNS/ENS committee members, Panel chairs, Speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Istanbul, June 2014. You will find the answers below …
Finn Boerlum Kristensen is Chairman of the Executive Committee, European Network for HTA (EUnetHTA), and Director of the Coordinating Secretariat of EUnetHTA Joint Action, National Board of Health, Denmark