Elena Moro (EM): We are very grateful for all the work you did for the EAN news blog “Neuropenews”. It has become the most important tool of communication for our society. What is your message to us?
Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): It is not good to dwell in the past as none of us want to be labelled as “old”. I think that it is now the right time to turn the page and open a new chapter for Neuropenews. I like to imagine Neuropenews like a house that is going to be remodelled. I am happy to have contributed to have built the foundation of this house and to see its further development. I am very pleased to see that the leadership of the EAN news blog is now in your capable hands.
Here we publish interviews and/or “colloquia” with opinion leaders operating within or outside neurological borders, but in close connection with the EAN objectives, perspectives and goals. These INTERVIEWS are designed to give to our readers a deeper knowledge on the kind of work and activities that are running on in international organisations, such as WHO and in professional focused scientific societies, and so on.
As in the previous year, Neuropenews asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, speakers etc. which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Berlin, June 2015. Please find their answers below! Benedikt Schoser, speaker at Symposium 3 “Modern… Continue Reading
Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As Treasurer of the EAN, can you illustrate the role you give to EAN within the community of European neurologists? Marianne de Visser (MdV): The Board is unanimous about the need to spend most of EAN’s income on educational activities. In the December issue of Neuropenews, President Deuschl expressed his concern about the increasing demand of neurologists and thus we need not only accommodate residents and young neurologists but also medical students should feel attracted to neurology.
Interview with Isidoros Karatzas, Head of the “Ethics and Research Integrity” sector at the European Commission
May 1, 2015Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): Ethical standards are an important aspect of H2020. How did the EC decide on these standards and who took part in their definition? Isidoros Karatzas (IK): The ethics standards are based on, for example, the principles of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Convention of Human rights (Article 19, Horizon 2020 regulation). Also on the relevant principles that flow from specific European and National legislation such as data protection and privacy, clinical trials etc. The Sector also follows and participates in the dialogue with the responsible Member States structures, such as the national Bioethics Committees, the network of Research Ethics Committees etc. -
Interview with Chair of the EAN Teaching Course Sub-Committee: Theodor Landis
April 1, 2015Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As Chair of the Teaching Course Sub-Committee of the EAN, can you illustrate the role you give to EAN within the community of European neurologists? Theodor Landis (TL): EAN, the fusion of the two major European neurological societies, should become the home for neurology and neurology related specialities. It should combine the strongholds and particularities of both previous societies in a harmonious way and as such that it appeals to the broad majority of neurologists all over Europe. -
Interview with President of the European Headache Federation: Dimos-Dimitrios Mitsikostas
April 1, 2015Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As President of the EHF, can you illustrate the role you would like EAN to cover within the world of European Neurology? Dimos-Dimitrios Mitsikostas (DDM): The European Headache Federation represents all national Headache Societies in Europe and neighbouring nations. Since its foundation in 1992, EHF has sought to improve the life of those affected by headache in this territory. Headache is by far the commonest neurological symptom and primary headache disorders are the most frequent neurological conditions affecting million Europeans. -
As in the previous year, Neuropenews asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Berlin, June 2015. Please find their answers below …
Dr. Elena Moro, a young neurologist with multi-national and multi-continental training and experience, will be the new EDITOR-IN-CHIEF of Neuropenews. With the help and enthusiasm of Dr. Tim von Oertzen, the web-Editor, they will shortly propose a brand new web journal of our Academy, to the European Neurology community.
Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): The EAN website is to become the primary source of information on European neurology. Can you briefly describe/illustrate your plans to achieve this? Tim von Oertzen (TvO): The website is an essential tool for EAN to communicate and interact with its members and with the public. To fulfill this role its users should easily find the information they are looking for within an intuitive design. We will provide information on the EAN, its programmes and initiatives as well as on neurology in Europe.
Interview with Sohini Chowdhury from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
March 1, 2015Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): The EAN – European Academy of Neurology is the platform by excellence for all European neurologists. Can you briefly outline the mission of The Michael J. Fox Foundation to the neurologists and Neuropenews readers? -
As in the previous year, Neuropenews asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Berlin, June 2015. Please find their answers below …
Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As Member at Large to the EAN, can you illustrate the role you give to EAN within the community of European Neurologists? Per Soelberg Sorensen (PSS): As member at Large to the EAN I am proud to be a part of this new important amalgamation of ENS and EFNS. It is the aim of the new board to develop EAN into a European organisation that can match the American Academy of Neurology in worldwide importance.
Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): How do you see the role of patient and carers organisations in society, and, specifically, Alzheimer Europe? Jean Georges (JG): Most Alzheimer associations were initially set up for three principal reasons: to provide information on Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, to provide support to people with dementia and their carers and to raise the awareness of the general public. Since the early days of the Alzheimer movement, some associations have taken on additional tasks such as lobbying governments for a greater recognition of dementia as a public health priority or funding dementia research.
As in the previous year, Neuropenews asked EAN committee members, panel chairs, speakers, … which session one should not miss at the upcoming congress in Berlin, June 2015. Please find their answers below …
Gian Luigi Lenzi (GLL): As President of the European Stroke Organisation, can you illustrate the role you would like EAN to cover within the world of European Neurology? Kennedy Lees (KL): EAN should represent specialists in neurology to ensure that their contribution to stroke care is recognised, and in countries where this is under-represented should work to promote their involvement. It should offer an educational function, teaching general neurologists about the latest and most important aspects of stroke that they may encounter in their practice.