Executive Page: Antonella Macerollo as Editor of EANpages
Executive Page
News and letters from the EAN President and other EAN Board members
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Executive page: From Website editor to Co-Chair Communication Committee
February 1, 2021Executive page: From Website editor to Co-Chair Communication Committee -
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Executive Page: Happy New Year 2021 from the EAN, the Home of Neurology
January 4, 2021Happy New Year 2021 from the EAN, the Home of Neurology -
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Executive Page: Recap of 2020 from Secretary-General
December 1, 2020December's Executive Page is written by Elena Moro -
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Executive Page: Dafin Muresanu reelected as Chair of Communication Committee
November 1, 2020On November´s executive page is Dafin Muresanu who was reelected as Chair of Communication Committee -
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Executive Page: Riccardo Soffietti reappointed as Chair of the Education Committee of EAN
October 1, 2020October's Executive Page: Prof. Riccardo Soffietti -
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Executive Page: Matthias Endres elected as new Member-at-Large
September 1, 2020Matthias Endres, new Member at Large By Matthias Endres Dear Colleagues and Friends, It is indeed a great honour for me to be elected as a new Member-at-Large of the EAN board. Especially in these times of great uncertainty both… Continue Reading
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Executive Page: Thomas Berger, Chair of the Scientific Committee
August 1, 2020Executive Page: Thomas Berger, Chair of the Scientific Committee -
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Executive Page: Elena Moro elected as Secretary General
July 3, 2020A letter from Elena Moro as new Secretary General -
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Executive Page: EAN Virtual Congress proves to be a huge success and the largest neurology meeting in history
June 1, 2020It is with great pride and gratitude that we thank everyone who took part in the 6th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology last week. This was the first ever EAN Virtual Congress and truly a pioneering event in terms of neurology and academic conferences more widely. -
Executive PageEAN NewsCOVID-19Top ArticlesFeatured Slider
EXECUTIVE PAGE: EAN takes swift action against COVID-19 with dedicated initiative
May 1, 2020Despite some positive slowing of new cases and deaths in some countries, the COVID-19 pandemic has infected until today over 3.5 million people, leading to more than 250,000 deaths across the globe. Without a doubt, the crisis sparked by this pandemic has also wreaked havoc on healthcare systems and economies while causing massive disruption to the everyday lives of people around the world. -
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EXECUTIVE PAGE: We stand together against COVID-19 pandemic
April 1, 2020Covid-19 has affected over 500,000 people and caused over 21,000 deaths. People from all over the world are making great sacrifices, from social distancing to sustaining economic loss. Healthcare workers are on the frontline, and neurologists are increasingly involved as well. -
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Executive Page: EAN President meets Italian Society of Neurology (SIN)
March 1, 2020As a society aiming to promote excellence in neurology across Europe, one of the European Academy of Neurology’s greatest assets is undoubtedly the strong support from its National Neurological Society Members. As a region with a wide variety of languages, cultures, jurisdictions and needs, Europe certainly presents some challenges when it comes to coordinated action, but what we all have in common as neurologists is a strong desire to reach for excellence, ensure the best possible patient care and to work together to achieve it. -
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EXECUTIVE PAGE: Some reflections from the EAN Treasurer
February 1, 2020It is such a pleasure for me to see how EAN has been continuously growing in terms of members, activities, engagements, promotion, and impact on several important activities inside the European Community. -
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Executive Page: EAN’s Guideline Reference Centre to develop further in 2020
January 1, 2020One of the main aims of the European Academy of Neurology is to establish common standards of diagnosis, treatment and care within the various subfields of neurology across Europe. As a region of diverse jurisdictions, languages, markets and healthcare challenges, European neurology needs to establish not only guidelines for the diagnosis and the treatment of neurological disorders, but also in order to maintain and enhance the discipline and practice of neurology.