At EAN 2023, several sessions are devoted to the impact of sex and gender on neurological disorders, and the lives and opportunities of clinicians and researchers.
EAN Congress news
The EAN Scientific Panel on Movement Disorders Management Group invites you to join us for the excellent Movement Disorders programme at EAN 2023, prepared in collaboration with the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society – European Section.
Nina Vashchenko, Chair of the EAN Resident & Research Fellows Section, invites you to check out all the activities our RRFS officers have planned for EAN 2023.
We are delighted to announce the 2023 participants of the EAN Tournament for neurologists in training. Ten participants will make presentations during our special Tournament Finals session at EAN 2023, also broadcast live on EAN TV!
Register now for the 9th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology to benefit from reduced fees.
We are pleased to announce the three winners of our EAN 2023 Congress Quiz! Each winner has won themselves won free registration for the 9th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology in Budapest!
Take our Congress Quiz and you could win free registration* for the highly anticipated 9th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, in Budapest, 1-4 July.
Student CornerEAN Congress news
Win a travel grant for a future EAN congress with our ‘Why Neurology?’ student essay competition!
March 10, 2023The EAN Student Task Force is delighted to announce the return of the very popular ‘Why Neurology?’ essay competition this spring, before the 9th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, in Budapest, 1-4 July 2023 -
EAN Congress news
New ‘Start-Up Corner’ introduced for EAN 2023 industrial exhibition
February 13, 2023We are introducing a special discounted fee for start-ups in the new Start-Up Corner area of our exhibition at EAN 2023. Find out more! -
Registration is open for the 9th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, with reduced early fees available until 26 April
EAN NewsEAN Congress news
EAN launches new ‘Congress Spin-Off with Masterclasses’ event, with first edition in March
January 10, 2023The Congress Spin-Off with Masterclasses is a new EAN event that will gather smaller groups of participants, taking outstanding lectures from the previous EAN Annual Congress as a starting point for discussion in a number of masterclasses. -
For the 9th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology on July 1-4 we are heading to the grand and beautiful city of Budapest, Hungary, right in the heart of Europe.
EAN NewsEAN Congress newsTop Articles
Special EAN issue of BrainMag features reports on EAN 2022 and more
August 30, 2022A special EAN edition of German-language publication BrainMag was published in August, featuring reports from the EAN 2022 congress and an interview with the Editor-in-Chief of the EAN e-learning platform, eanCampus. -
EAN NewsEAN Congress newsTop Articles
Watch the full EAN 2022 Opening Session on our Vimeo channel!
July 11, 2022You can now watch the entire Opening Session from the 8th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology on the EAN Vimeo channel. -
Brain HealthExecutive PageEAN NewsEAN Congress newsTop ArticlesFeatured Slider
New EAN President, Prof. Paul Boon, identifies brain health, research agenda, and residents as key priorities
July 8, 2022On the final day of EAN 2022, the EAN presidency was handed over to the new president, Prof. Paul Boon, chairman and senior full professor of neurology at Ghent University Hospital and Director of 4Brain at Ghent University.